The Lubicon Lake confrontation over the environment
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- An injustice which has lasted long
- From the Amitié Lubicons-Québec campaign, 12
January 1998. In 1989, the Alberta government granted the
Daishowa Corp. the logging rights to boreal forest, which
includes the entire Lubicon Lake Cree territory. On
November 28, 1991, the Friends of the Lubicon answered an
appeal made by the Cree and launched a boycott campaign in
Ontario of Daishowa products because the
multinational's forestry practices directly threatened
Cree land, their means of subsistence and social
- A Fight against Time: The Fight of the
Lubicon Lake Cree of Northern Alberta
- Quebec Public Interest Research Group, 18 November
1999. After launching a lawsuit in 1995 against 3 members
of The Friends of the Lubicon and loosing in 1998,
Daishowa is still pushing for an appeal.
- Friends of the Lubicon press
- 24 April 1998. Ten days ago, the Ontario Court ruled
that our boycott of Daishowa products was not only legal,
a model of how such activities should be conducted
in a democratic society.
- Friends of the Lubicon winter
- 20 January 1998. An electronic version of our most
recent update and mailout to supporters. For those who
have been following the Daishowa v. Friends of the Lubicon
trial, this is the situation as it stands in January
- Friends of the Lubicon
- 23 January 1998. January 23 will mark the second
anniversary of an interlocutory injunction granted by the
Ontario Court of Appeals to the Daishowa corporation in
1996. The injunction prohibits a boycott of Daishowa
forest products organised by a grass-roots organisation in
Ontario known as the Friends of the Lubicon.
- Lubicon
- 10 July 1995. On June 22 1995 formation of another
Lubicon dissident group closely linked to Conservative
Alberta politicians. This new group consists of basically
the same people involved in the so-called Laboucan family
initiative, which collapsed early in 1994 when the then
new Liberal Federal government refused to provide the
Woodland Band with additional lands and money.