Sender: owner-imap@webmap.missouri.edu
)From: reseau@lists.nothingness.org An injustice which has lasted long enoughFrom the Amitié Lubicons-Québec campaign, 12 January 1998In 1989, the Alberta government granted the logging rights to 29 000 km2 of boreal forest to the Daishowa corporation. These cutting "rights" include the entire Lubicon Lake Cree territory. On November 28, 1991, the Friends of the Lubicon answered an appeal made by the Cree and launched a boycott campaign in Ontario of Daishowa products because the multinational's forestry practices directly threatened Cree land, their means of subsistence and social integrity. In January 1995, Daishowa sued three Friends of the Lubicon before an Ontario Court. Today, Daishowa alleges that the boycott has cost over $ 11 million in lost revenues. On January 23, 1996, Daishowa obtained a temporary injunction from the Ontario Court of Appeals against the Friends of the Lubicon and their boycott campaign. The lawsuit against the Friends of the Lubicon began in Toronto on September 2, 1997, following almost three years of preliminary procedures and delays. After almost thirty days of hearings, the trial finally came to a close on December 12, 1997. The multinational is seeking punitive damages and a permanent injunction outlawing any boycott of its products in Ontario. Ontario Court Judge James MacPherson is expected to render a decision on these and other related matters in February. On January 23, 1998, the injunction's second anniversary, join us in front of Daishowa's Québec City pulp and paper mill and take a stand in support of the Lubicon Lake Cree and the Friends of the Lubicon. For more information or to take part in the Amitié Lubicons-Québec campaign phone (514) 844-0484. Because the Daishowa corporation refuses to make a public commitment neither to cut nor buy trees cut on Lubicon land in Alberta... Because the multinational is suing the grassroots organisation Friends of the Lubicon in an Ontario court for having organised a boycott... Because a temporary injunction has outlawed the boycott of Daishowa products in Ontario since January 23, 1996... Join a show of support to the Lubicon Lake Cree and the Friends of the Lubicon!! Help defend our collective right to freedom of expression!! Picket line in front of Daishowa's pulp and paper mill in Québec City 10 des Capucins blvd. Friday, January 23, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. From Montreal, free transportation will be leaving from Comité Social Centre-Sud 1710 Beaudry (Beaudry metro) at 8:45 a.m. sharp! In Québec City, the rally will begin at noon from C=C9GEP de Limoilou 1300, 8e avenue, Limoilou Return to Montreal: 2:30 p.m. Arrival in Montreal (CSCS): 5:30 p.m. Dress warmly and bring your lunch. Please reserve your seat on the bus ASAP at (514) 844-0484 Action organised by the Amitié Lubicons-Québec campaign
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