Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 23:53:05 -0600 (CST) A Fight against Time: The Fight of the Lubicon Lake Cree of Northern AlbertaQuebec Public Interest Research Group, 18 November 1999The Lubicon are a people who have lived on the land long before Europeans began immigrating to this continent. Relatively untouched by Canadian society up till the 70ies until a road was built into the heart of the Lubicon landbase to facilitate the extraction of oil and other natural resources by private companies, changes brought on by this development have left the Lubicon shattered. The Friends of the Lubicon, responding to an appeal from the Lubicon, launched a successful boycott of Daishowa products demanding the company to make a public commitment not to cut or buy wood cut on Lubicon lands until an agreement was in place between the Lubicon and both levels of government. After launching a lawsuit in 1995 against 3 members of The Friends of the Lubicon and loosing in 1998, Daishowa is still pushing for an appeal. A film and presentation on the land rights struggle of the Lubicon and the ongoing case against The Friends of the Lubicon. With Ed Bianchi of the Toronto based Friends of the Lubicon and Les Amitié Lubicons-Québec
November 18th at 7pm http://concordia.pirg.ca/ Info: http://concordia.pirg.ca/activist
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