The retrospective history of Socialist Cuba
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The retrospective history in general of Cuba
Documents for the history of the US
blockade of Cuba
- What drives US foreign policy?
- By Ian Aitken, the Guardian (London). A UK correspondent
in Havana immediately after the Revolution investigates the
capture of a U.S. counter-revolutionary agent. He learned that
American policy is dictated largely by the requirements of
US fruit-producing conglomerates.
- Jean-Paul Sartre: Hurricane over sugar
- By Leonardo Depestre Catony, Cuban journalist and collaborator of
Prensa Latina, Direct from Cuba service of Prensa Latina.
Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir's visit Cuba in 1960 was later
described in Sartre's book, Hurricane over sugar.
- It was the U.S. government which refused to receive
- By Gabriel Molina, from Granma International. The nationalization
of property in 1960 was in accord with international law, and it was
recognized as such by the US. However, the US refused to negotiate the
terms of compensation, and as a result, U.S. nationals alone received
- Cuba Releases Bay of Pigs Documents
- By Anita Snow, AP. At a conference on the Bay of Pigs/Playa Giro'n episode,
documents are released that shed considerable light on the failed attempt
in 1961 by the U.S. to invade Cuba.
- `Imperialism misjudged the courage Of the Cuban people, the
strength of the revolution.' Castro on first anniversary of defeat of
U.S.-organized invasion at Bay of Pigs
- Speech by President Fidel Castro. `40 Anniversary Of Workers And Farmers,'
In "Power In Cuba" series in the Militant. Fidel Castro
reflects back on Playa Giro'n.
- Cuba's Defeat Of Yankee Attack At Playa Giro'n
- Extracts from the speech, "Angola: African Giro'n, April 19, 1976,"
by President Fidel Castro, in the Militant. On April 17 1961,
1,500 U.S.-based Cuban-born mercenaries invaded Cuba at the Bay of
Pigs on the southern coast. The action, organized by Washington, aimed to
establish a "provisional government" to appeal for direct U.S.
intervention. However, the invaders were defeated within 72 hours by Cuba's
militia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces.
- Cuban People Thwarted U.S. Invasion Plan In October 1962
`Missile Crisis.' Domestic political cost of enormous U.S. casualties stayed
Kennedy's hand
- By Steve Clark, the Militant. In 1962, in the name of international
solidarity, Castro adopts the U.S. practice of setting up nuclear missles
around an enemy state. Although Castro knew of U.S. invasion plan, he
did not accept the missles for self-defense. What forestalled the U.S.
invasion was the fear of staggering losses at the hands of Cuban
- Chronology of violations of the Cuban air space.
Years 1994-96
- By the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, 26 February 1996.
Brief descriptions of the violations.
- Castro: Support Helped Cuba Survive
- By Anita Snow, AP. At a conference in 2001, President Castro reflects on the
importance of international solidarity for Cuba's survival in the decade
following the collapse of socialism in Europe and breakup of the Soviet Union.
Throughout the 1990s, Cuba struggled financially to become independent after
losing about 40 percent of its aid and trade almost overnight.