Topic 289: Chronologyof violations of the Cuba
cubaseccion reg.cuba 11:08 AM Feb 26, 1996

Chronology of violations of the Cuban air space

Years 1994-96

By the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. 26 February, 1996

VIOLATION: May 15, 1994.
5 aircrafts coming from Florida violated the national air space in the region between Cardenas, Matanzas province, and El Mariel, Havana City in a space between 15 and 80 miles ashore keeping a distance from the coasts between 1,5 and 5,5 miles ashore.
Informed officially to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 908 of July 21, 1994.
VIOLATION: May 17, 1994.
2 airplanes CESSNA 337 registration N-58BB and N-108l5 coming from Florida violated the national air space of the western region between Cardenas, Matanzas province, and Mariel, Havana Province between 15 and 80 miles ashore keeping a distance of the coasts between 1.5 and 5.5 miles ashore.
Informed officially to the United States Interests Section Note 908 of July 21, 1994.
VIOLATION: May 25, 1994.
5 aircrafts coming from Florida violated the national air space in the western region between Cardenas, Matanzas province, and El Mariel, Havana Province between 15 and 80 miles keeping a distance from the coasts between 1.5 and 5.5 miles ashore.
Informed officially to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 908 of July 21, 1994.
VIOLATION: May 29, 1994.
5 aircrafts coming from Florida violated the national airspace in the western region between Cardenas, Matanzas province, El Mariel, Havana province, between 10 and 80 miles ashore, keeping the distance from the coasts between 1,5 and 5,5 miles ashore.
Informed officially to the North American Interest Section by Diplomatic Note 908 of July 21, 1994.
VIOLATION: On July 10, 1994
at 10 hours, a violation of the air space was detected by aircraft with U.S. registration N-2506 coming from U.S. 20 Km. At the north of Guanabo, Havana province , which violated the space of 18 Km at a depth of 3 Km leaving the national air space at the north of Havana city at 10:30 hrs.
VIOLATION: On November 10, 1994
at 13:13 2 airplanes C-337 that took off at 12:40 hours from the Guantanamo Naval Base violated the Cuban airspace to the north of the western region flying over the lighthouse of Punta Maisi. In this flight the planes threw 200 leaflets against the Cuban constitutional government.
Informed officially to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 1443 of November 15, 1994.
VIOLATION: April 4, 1995.
Between 10:14 and 10:57 local hours a light aircraft C-337 violated the national airspace to the north of the western region between Santa Fe and Guanabo, Havana City at a longitude of 5 miles and keeping distances of the Cuban coasts that oscillated between 5 and 10 miles.
Informed officially to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 694 of May 25, 1995.
VIOLATION: On July 13, 1995,
4 aircraft coming from the United States water registration N-108lS, N-2506, N-548SS and N-312MX entered the Cuban territorial waters north from the Havana City air-rading MU-PI prohibited zone and flew over Havana city at a low height in a dangerous and neglectful way.
Informed to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 1100 of August 21,1995 in which it is enclosed a copy of the letter sent by the Aeronautical Institute (IACC) to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
VIOLATION: On January 9 and 13, 1996,
the Cuban authorities detected 2 light airplanes coming from Opalocka airport in Florida flew over the territory of the province of Havana and threw subversive propaganda where actions were exhorted against the Cuban constitutional order.
Officially informed to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic note 45 of January 15, 1996.

According to the reiterated violations of our air space, the Cuban authorities have been forced to close temporarily the international corridor Giron for civil aircraft, and adopt limitations in the entrance and exit of the international airport of Varadero.

In several occasions, the flights over the Cuban territory have been in dangerous zones activated by Cuban authorities and according to the international regulations for the carrying out of military training with the risk of producing accidents of incalculable consequences this affirmation is illustrated in the following example.

18.07.92MUD-42 and MUD-52C-337N-7437 S
  MUD-42 and MUD-52C-310N-6737 T
  MUD-42 and MUD-52PA-23N-769 JH
28.12.93 MUD-2 and MUD 15TWO AIRPLANES -------
   :   N-5334
02.01.94 MUD-9C-337 N-415 D

This information was given to the United States Interests Section by Diplomatic Note 908 of July 21, 1994.