The contemporary political history of
Native Americans in Boriken
(Puerto Rico)
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The history in general of Native
Americans in Boriken
- Los Derecho Historicos De Un Pueblo Indigena
De Boriken (Puerto Rico)
- Por Cacike Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, Ansiano del Consejo, 24
December 1997. Como es un echo que nuestra hostoria Taina
siempre esta en un nuevo desarrollo politico y economico
diariamente. Pues al presentar una historia pre-colonbina
sin dar una presentacion sobre el desarrollo historico
contemoraño es una fechoria de la historia de un pueblo y
su sociedad contemporaña.
- Announcement of New Bohike and Cacika
- From Cacike Yucayeke Incatunaca, 9 January 1998. The Yucayeke
Incatunaca announces that Bohike Areyteixo Ynyx Turey is on his
way to the Orinoco on the Venezuelan side, where he will erect
his Caney and remain up until his departure to The Coabey. In
his stead the Omnipotent Goddess Atabex has gifted the Yucayeke
Incatunaca with Anacuya Turey (Valerie Vargas), formely of New
York City and always from Borikèn, who is Heketì Bohike [First
Bohike] of Yucayeke Incatunaca, and one of the Cacikas of
Yucayeke Incatunaca.
- Stepping Back Up As a Cacike and Tribal Elder of
My People
- By Elder Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, 22 January 2001. Notice of
his resignation as Principle Chief and Cackike of the
Jatibonicu, but intends to remain active and a tribal elder.
- The Tribal Council and Its Authority Over Its
Tribal Bands
- Elder Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, 27 January 2001. Explains the
function of the Tribal Council and its authority over its
Taino Tribal Bands in New Jersey, Florida and Puerto Rico.
here refers to Jatibonicu tribe as a whole,
including its bands in Florida, New Jersey and Puerto Rico.
Powers of the Cacike; powers of the Nitaynos, tribal
membership termination. Contact information.
- The Jatibonicu Taino People Then and Now
(1400 -2001)
- By Cacique Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, 20 May 2001. The continued
struggle of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation and its people
in Puerto Rico and in the United States. In our ongoing
struggle of cultural survival we have been gathering our
resources to rebuild our Jatibonicu Taino tribal homeland in
the central mountains of Puerto Rico. On 18 November 1970,
our relatives gathered in Orocovis, Puerto Rico to re-establish
our own sovereign tribal Government.