Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 00:33:30 -0400
Sender: Taino-L Taino interest forum <TAINO-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU>
From: Automatic digest processor <LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU>
Subject: TAINO-L Digest - 7 Jan 1998 to 9 Jan 1998
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 10:38:43 EST
From: Yucayeke <Yucayeke@AOL.COM>
Subject: Announcement of New Bohike and Cacika
Güatù Juracàn; agüada Yukiyù; cuya Atabex in Yocahù, heketì tài!
Yucahù in Bohike toca!
It is with great joy that The Yucayeke Incatunaca anounces to white Puertoricans; to the creole Boricua; to the Afro-Borincano; the Amero-Taino; the Gringo-Rican, and with a special warmth to all of our Arawack siblings of New England, Empire of USA, who are not in oneness with The Yucayeke Incatunaca; but who with Borikense Pride and determination continue the struggle for freedom commenced by the Great Cacike Uroyoan in November of 1510; -That:
Bohike Areyteixo Ynyx Turey; is on his way with his Caney to Amazon
River, from where he will follow the Original Trail of The Arawack
to The River Orinoco
, on the Venezuelan side, where he will erect
his Caney, and remain up until his departure to The Coabey.
On his stead The Omnipotent Goddess Atabex in her inmense love has gifted The Yucayeke Incatunaca with Anacuya Turey; (Valerie Vargas). Formely of New York City, presently of Las Cruces, New Mexico; -and always from Borikèn.
She is Heketì Bohike, [First Bohike], of Yucayeke Incatunaca. She is a Herbalist with a Health Degree, (RN) and knowledge of Güarapos and Arawack medicine past down to her from her Nargutis and Aracoeles.
She also becomes one of the Cacikas of Yucayeke Incatunaca,
representing to all of you the Only One Voice
, of Yucayeke
Incatunaca. In his absence, she speaks for Cacike Dax. What ever pact
she makes, whatever decision she takes she does thus for Yucayeke
Incatunaca and Cacike Dax aca Yagüeca.
Who receives her well is Güaitiao of Yucayeke Incatunaca, who ever offends her is Catù (enemy) of Yucayeke Incatunaca.
She can be reach electronically at either: