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From TAINO-L@MAELSTROM>STJOHNS>EDU Tue Jan 23 06:17:41 2001
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 00:28:43 -0500
Sender: Taino-L Taino interest forum <TAINO-L@MAELSTROM>STJOHNS>EDU>
From: Automatic digest processor <LISTSERV@MAELSTROM>STJOHNS>EDU>
Subject: TAINO-L Digest - 21 Jan 2001 to 22 Jan 2001 (#2001-20)

Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 01:25:03 -0500
From: Elder Pedro Guanikeyu Torres <jttn@TAINO-TRIBE>ORG>
Subject: Stepping Back Up As a Cacike and Tribal Elder of My People

Stepping Back Up As a Cacike and Tribal Elder of My People

By Elder Pedro Guanikeyu Torres <jttn@TAINO-TRIBE>ORG,
22 January 2001

Tau Ah Taiguey Danatiao(s) ah Guaitiao(s),
Hello And Good Day My Brothers and Friends,

I, Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, would like to inform my people and the leaders of all the Taino communities, that after rethinking my thoughts, that I will step back up as the Cacike of my people.

I, will continue as a Taino activist and a tribal elder and will support all the Taino people. This has come about due to the great need of the Taino people. I, have decided as of January 22, 2001, to step back up as the Principal Chief and Cacike of the Taino Tribal Council of the Jatibonicu Taino people of Boriken.

I, would like to thank all my friends and the Heads of the Taino communities and my Jatibonicu Taino tribal members who that have requested that I not step down as the Cacike of the Jatibonicu Taino people of Boriken and its Taino tribal bands We as a common Taino people of Boriken have a very long road ahead of us as a people and much work needs to be done before all the Taino people can become, One Nation, One People with One Single Destiny. The will of the people, in peaceful union with our Creator will overcome all obstacles placed in our pathway to stop us from reaffirming of our destiny as a proud Tribal Nation of Boriken.

I, have learned that many Taino people care about me, I, have learned that I, must put the people before my own vain desires to look for peace and personal self-gratification. Bad eye sight is no excuse to walk away from the People. I have a voice and I will speak loudly and proudly of my Taino People and Ancestors of Boriken.

I, would like to tell all the Taino people no matter what Taino community, Tribe, organization or group that you may or may not belong to that I, will be a tribal elder of the People. I promise to help all the Taino communities and their leaders in what ever they may need of me. I stand with you the People!

I, would like to say to the Taino people concerned that I, am sorry to have failed you. I, will not fail you nor abandon my people ever again, as long as our Creator Yaya, Guama Yocahu Bagua Moarocoti, sustains me with his breath of life.

Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, Principal Tribal Elder
Office of Taino Tribal Affairs (Tribal Representative)
The Government of The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation