The contemporary political history of the Republic of Uganda
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- New Year's Resolutions for
- By Dr. Emmanuel K. Twesigye, 2 January 1995. Necessary
policies for the future.
- Africa's new landlord? Green Berets in
- By Monica Moorehead, Workers World, 31 July
1997. An example of U.S. imperialist succession to France
under a humanitarian guise.
- Rebels Acquire Better Training And
- By Judith Achieng', IPS, 27 December 1999. The
Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), believed to be drawing
support from the DRC and Sudan, are now better equipped
and trained, have carried out insurgency since 1997. Their
attacks are similar to those of the Lord's Resistance
Army (LRA), who are fighting Museveni's government in
the north. In the view of the IPS, these groups are
Museveni's dissolution of Uganda
- Emergency Meeting on Uganda
- By the Emergency Ad Hoc Committee, Washington, D.C.
4 September 1994. Objection to installation of NRM in
place of multi-party system, President Museveni's
invasion of Rwanda on 1 October, 1990, and Uganda's
financing of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF).
- East Africa's Hitler
- By Uwiringiyimana Leonard, December 1994. Critique of
Yoweri Museveni.
- Corruption in Uganda
- UDC Newsletter, 19 January 1995. Within 9
years of NRM's reign, public corporations which are
the backbone of Uganda's monetary economy, have been
bankrupted by Museveni's appointees.
- Museveni, The African Dictator
- By Mayindi Mokwala, Congo Unity (USA), 24 April 1999.
Yoweri Museveni, the dictator of Uganda, through his military
campaign to establish the Tutsi ethnic domination in the Great
Lakes region in 1983, has caused more deaths, misery and
desolation than anyone in recent African History.
- The cause of the crisis in the Great Lakes
- Letter to the Paris Club from A. Milton Obote, President of
Uganda Peoples Congress, 28 August 1999. The Paris Club is
the group of governments and institutions contributing to
Musevemi's support. Wants the Paris Club to pursue friendly
relations with the people of Uganda as a whole and not to
finance or assist the NRA regime or to carry out the devices
of tyranny contained in the Constituent Assembly Statute,
1993 and the draft Constitution. The crimes of Museveni and
the NRA catalogued (104 Kb).
- Uganda leader says army killed warriors in
- Reuters, 14 September 1999. President Yoweri Museveni
acknowleged that his helicopter gunships killed a significant
number of tribal warriors in an effort to stop ethnic
clashes in eastern Uganda.
- Roundups of gays reportedly have begun in
- Intolerant rhetoric turns to repressive reality. The
Queer News Network, press release, 1 November 1999. President
Yoweri Museveni disregards human rights. Authoritarian
leaders like Museveni demonize homosexuality hoping to
shore up their political support. This intolerance spreads
until it is recognized for what it is--a threat to democracy
and fundamental human rights.
- Uganda nets $33,5m in biggest privatisation
- Business Report, 1 June 2000. The Musevemi
regime sells the Ugandan people's Uganda Telecommunications
to a German consortium under Deutsche Telekom, and it is the
largest component in an eight-hear privatization process.