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Date: Mon, 02 Jan 1995 22:40:40 -0400 (EDT)
Message-id: <01HLDWFKIKWI005D3A@CC.OWU.EDU>
New Year's Resolutions for Uganda
By Dr. Emmanuel K. Twesigye,
Ohio Wesleyan University
2 January, 1995
Resolutions are important in the lives of individuals and the nations that make
them. Some people, just like nations are scared of the unknown future, freedom
and decisions are not made with ease, in case they are wrong or difficult to
implement. Resolutions are major decisions in the life of a person or an organ-
ization and they must be made if the person or organization has to continue
living a healthy, growing and productive life in the context of the rest of the
world and total environment in which that person or organization happens to be
located either voluntarily or involuntarily, as determined by nature, history
or geographical location.
In the case of the nation of Uganda, the involuntary factors of nature, history,
and geographical location apply, and little can be done about them. However,
the future can be changed depending on what we do now. The future of Uganda,
and the future of Africa is a future which must be shaped by the Africans
themselves. The Europeans and former Western African colonialists can not
develop Africa for the Africans. Only Africans are truly able to develop
Africa for the Africans. The former European colonial masters in Africa
were only interested in colonizing and "developing Africa" for themselves
and not for the Africans. As a result, all African roads, railways, harbours
and airlines lead to Europe! Even the Uganda Railway was never built to
connect Uganda with Kenya, but to give the European imperialists, traders
and miners to Uganda wealth and that of the Kenyan highlands.
Now that the railway is there, it can be used to serve the true interests
of the Africans in terms of trade exports and imports, travel, tourism
and the like. East African Community can be truly turned into a political
and viable trade body itself. Kenya can provide industries and the rest
can supplies raw materials, and market for the finished goods!
If I were the Uganda leader (for the future), the following would be my
resolutions for the New Year:
- Stop blaming current Ugandan and African evils on the former European
colonialists. Most of the current problems, such as those of corruption,
ethnic and religious rivalries are carried out by the Africans themselves
just because they are too greedy.
- Punish corruption by getting rid of corrupt officials, seizing the
property, they had purchased with ill-gotten money/wealth. Impose
jail sentences on those found guilty of misuse of office, embezzlement
and bribe seeking.
Punish all those engaged in bribery, both the giver of the bribe and the
taker of the bribe.
- Declare amnesty to all armed groups i.e. the Lord's Army, Lakwena's
followers, Idi Ami and his followers, and the others.
- Pardon the political detainees and exiles, including Obote, Amin and
their followers.
- Formalize the new constitution with provisions for kings and death
penalty for:
a. Violence against the state as in the cases of coups or coup attemps.
b. Armed robbery.
c. Violence against the government leaders as in the case of plan-
ning assassinations.
e. Murder.
f. Gross cases of corruption and theft of government/public funds or
g. Other acts of treason.
- Provision of free universal primary education by the year 2000.
- Radical reduction of the military force, and cutting the military
budget by 60% in order to fund education and free health-care for the
- Elimination of disease by the year 2000.
- Provision of clean drinking water in all the villages.
- Funding research at Makerere University and UTC in how to make solar
power goods cheaper and affordable, so as to provide electricity for
lighting and cooking in the villages. This is necessary to stop
deforestation in the rural areas as people caut down trees for firewood.
- Making more effort in the attraction of tourists to Africa and particularly, Uganda.
- Working to make East Africa a reality and annexing both Rwanda and
Burundi to this body! Rwanda being attached to southern Uganda and
Burundi to Northern Tanzania.
- Cleaning up lake Victoria to make it more habitable for fish
and attractive for tourists.
- Providing the country with a national system of multi-party
electoral system and democratic representation which prohibits the
formation of political parties along religious, ethnic/tribal, racial
or class lines.
- Diversification of cash-crops to avoid overdependecy on coffee
for export income.
- Creating more colleges and universities so as to create a learned
labour force which can generate its own industries, and establish
sound businesses. Ignorant business people or farmers are not efficient
or helpful in the devepment of the nation. More technology and business
courses should be included in the school and university curriculum.