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Message-Id: <199501141623.KAA04631@Tut.MsState.Edu>
Date: 14 Jan 1995 10:16:53 U
From: "Haule Elizabeth" <>
Emergency Meeting on Uganda
By the Emergency Ad Hoc Committee, Washington, D.C.,
4 September, 1994
WHEREAS, We Ugandans being citizens by right of birth of the independent state
of Uganda, having assembled here in Washington, D.C. for an emergency meeting
this 4th day of September, 1994;
WHEREAS, It is the spirit of grave concern over the political, economic and
social situation in our motherland which has motivated us to gather for this
WHEREAS, We note with great indignation the eradication of individual freedom,
the gross violations of human rights, the sabotage of democratic governance and
the substitution for it of a one party dictatorship by the National Resistance
Movement (hereinafter referred to as "NRM") and its military wing, the National
Resistance Army (hereinafter referred to as "NRA");
WHEREAS, We are painfully aware of and distressed by Uganda President Yoweri
Museveni's violations of the United Nations and the O.A.U charters which call
upon member nations to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of one
another. Museveni ordered the October 1, 1990 invasion of the neighboring
sovereign state of Rwanda, an act of naked aggression.
WHEREAS, We protest the unprecedented abuse of power by the NRM, aided and
abetted by the NRA, in its appointment of foreigners to our top national and
sensitive posts;
- That we demand that the current ban on political parties be rescinded and
a multi-party system be restored in Uganda NOW.
- That we demand that a date be announced prior to October 9, 1994 for free
and fair multi-party parliamentary and presidential elections, such elections
to occur before June 1, 1995 and be monitored by independent and
internationally respected and acceptable organizations.
- That we demand that Lt. General Yoweri K. Museveni, President of Uganda and
Commander-in-Chief if the Armed Forces, be impeached by the Constituent
Assembly and the National Resistance Council concomitantly for his crimes
against humanity -- the people of Uganda and Rwanda, which crimes include but
are not limited to the October 1, 1990 invasion of Rwanda by the Uganda Army
acting upon the direct orders of President Museveni.
- That we demand that members of the Uganda Defense Council and members of
the Cabinet be tried for the crimes which they have committed by virtue of
their aiding, abetting, participation in, and procurement in the commission of
crimes against the people of Uganda and Rwanda.
- That we demand that an independent international commission of inquiry be
appointed by the United Nations to investigate Uganda's involvement in the
Museveni-ordered destruction of Rwanda. Such inquiry should cover the roles
played by:
(a) President Yoweri K. Museveni;
(b) Members of the Defense Council;
(c) Other members of the current government, including top civil servants;
(d) Uganda government funds in financing the Rwanda Patriotic Front
(hereinafter referred to as "RPF")
(e) The contribution of President Yoweri Museveni and top members of the
Ugandan Military establishment in the genocide of millions of innocent
people in Rwanda, that followed as a natural consequence of Uganda's
unprovoked act of aggression and war against Rwanda.
- That we demand the immediate release of all political prisoners -- namely,
those held on fictitious charges of treason, including the following
(a) Dr. Martin Kato Mugambwa;
(b) Major Ocero Nangai;
(c) Others classified as "lodgers" whose charges have never been defined;
(d) "Detainees", whom their captors have failed to present before courts
of law; and
(e) All prisoners currently languishing in military camps and other
unlawful detention centers around the country.
- That we demand that all Ugandan soldiers who were forced against their
will to fight for the RPF in Rwanda be repatriated and immediately returned to
their homes. We have evidence that many Ugandans who are not Banyarwanda had
nothing to do with Rwanda but were sent to Rwanda by force by the National
Resistance Army, where hundreds perished in action.
- That Uganda is a sovereign state belonging to bona fide Ugandans which
must be governed by bona fide Ugandans. The ruthless rule and slaughter by
Banyarwanda impostors in strategic positions of power can no longer be
- That we demand that Banyarwanda currently serving the NRM regime as civil
servants, diplomats, military and intelligence officers immediately leave their
positions and return to their country. Among these individuals are the
(a) Dr. Ben Mbonye, Secretary for Defense;
(b) E. Rusita, Permanent Secretary, President's Office;
(c) Benon Tumukunde, Commander of Military Police;
(d) Augustine Ruzindana, Inspector General of Government;
(e) Pierre Kabatsi, Solicitor General;
(f) Karasanyi, District Commissioner of Kampala;
(g) P. K. Nkurunziza, Ugandan Diplomat in Brussels; and
(h) many others in government and para-statal corporations.
- That we demand that the many Tutsis who are members of Museveni's
government be dismissed forthwith.
- That we demand that all killing squads (i.e., ESO, ISO, etc. ) be
immediately abolished and their members be tried for their crimes against
- That we demand that the government of the United States, Britain, and
other foreign aid donors and sources of financial assistance (such as the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund) to the Museveni Regime suspend such
foreign aid and financial assistance until such time as multi-party democracy
is implemented in Uganda.
- That we demand that Ugandan exiles be assured of verifiable security and
safety upon their return to Uganda to participate in the rebuilding of our
country in a multi-party system;
- That we unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms condemn
President Museveni's direct participation in the invasion and destruction of
Rwanda; and, his denial of the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly and
association, and the freedom to participate in genuine multi-party political
activities to the people of Uganda.
We hereby beseech all Ugandans and all people of good will to support us in our
effort to defend lives, achieve freedom and assure democracy in Uganda by any
means necessary.
Dated and signed at Washington, D.C. this 4th day of September, 1994.
Hon. G. Lukongwa Binaissa, Q.C.
Former President of Uganda (1979-1980)
Remigius Kintu, Chairman
Emergency Ad Hoc Committee
Magomu-Wacha, Secretary
Emergency Ad Hoc Committee
Paul Chepkwurui, Publicity Secretary
Emergency Ad Hoc Committee.
Transcript by Elizabeth Haule