The economic history of of the Republic of Mauritius
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- Mauritius Freeport Authority to Build
Electronic Commerce Centre
- Panafrican News Agency, 14 October 2000. Second phase of a
project to create a platform for electronic commerce. The
anticipated center will offer integrated services in telephony
and information technology from the end of 2001.
- Thousands of Expatriates Fill Mauritius'
Manpower Gap
- Panafrican News Agency, 19 October 2000. The minister of
Training, Skills Development and Productivity told the National
assembly that there were 24,292 expatriate workers in Mauritius
to bolster the shortage of skilled workforce. More than 82
percent of them are employed in the textile sector.
- Baisse des recettes sucrières
- Panafrican News Agency, 4 December 2000. L's piliers
de l';conomie mauricienne, le secteur du sucre, traverse
une période très difficile. Cette baisse est
dûe à la faiblesse des surfaces cultivées et
à la vulnérabilité de la canne à sucre
face aux conditions climatiques.
- Mauritius Labour Market Goes
- Panafrican News Agency (Dakar), 27 March 2001. A labour
market information system designed to update the public on
job openings through the Internet is now operational in
Mauritius. The job data bank will offer information on job
offers published in the press, vacancy circulars and vacancies
notified to the Employment service.
- Mauritius At Crossroads After Boon Under Lome
- Panafrican News Agency (Dakar), 25 April 2001. The Cotonou
agreement signals that the Lome trade preferences for Mauritius
are not permanent. The emerging New World economy environment
where unbridled competition is to determine the fate of many
countries. A weak Euro; decline of sugar trade.