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Mauritius Labour Market Goes Electronic

Panafrican News Agency (Dakar), 27 March 2001

Port-louis, Mauritius - A labour market information system designed to update the public on job openings through the Internet is now operational in Mauritius.

Some 30 000 unemployed people are already registered in this system, which was launched last weekend by the country's ministry of Training and Productivity.

Officials at the ministry explained Tuesday that the system accesses job seekers to opportunities in different sectors of the Mauritius economy.

It contains data on job openings, number of job seekers, career possibilities and prospects.

It would also provide information concerning manpower distribution from a geographical standpoint.

"The job data bank would be updated daily and would offer information on job offers published in the press, vacancy circulars and vacancies notified to the Employment service," affirmed labour administrator Maxime Legrigore.