The history of children and youth in the Commonwealth of Australia
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The social history in general of the Commonwealth
of Australia
- Child carers jittery as protection laws come into
- By Geesche Jacobsen, Sydney Morning Herald,
5 December 2000. Teachers, police, child carers and health workers
face fines for failing to protect children from harm and abuse under
new child-protection legislation. The laws will extend the
responsibilities for child protection from the Department of Community
Services to other government and community agencies.
- Girls as young as 12 are swapping sex for drugs, health
worker says
- Canberra Times [1 July 2001]. Poverty and domestic violence forcing
girls as young as 12 into prostitution. Parents using their children
to sell drugs, and some children were coming to school affected by
drugs. Recommendation that governments allocate more resources to
tackle marijuana, alcohol, petrol sniffing and new
- Schools told to tackle teen depression
- ninemsn [1 July 2001]. A survey of more than 1300 adolescents
for depression has recommended a revamp of counselling services
at schools (ninemsn is part of Microsoft's empire over culture).
- Dangerous work is no place for our kids: Trades Hall
calls for ban on children under 15's in worst industries
- UN Information Service, in Trades Hall
News, [10 March 2002]. The Victorian Trades Hall Council
(VTHC) has called for a total ban on the employment of young people
under 15 years, in the State's four most dangerous industries:
agriculture, transport and storage, construction and manufacturing.