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From heartofbear@hotmail.com Mon Jul 2 12:38:29 2001
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 15:08:33 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ben Hansen <heartofbear@hotmail.com>
Subject: Aussie shrinks: more teens need antidepressants
Article: 121863
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
X-UIDL: ;1a&!68^!!LLU&!Ec5&!


Schools told to tackle teen depression

ninemsn [1 July 2001]

A survey of more than 1300 adolescents for depression has recommended a revamp of counselling services at schools.

The survey of 1340 teenagers aged 13-17 and their parents or primary caregiver was undertaken by a team headed by University of Sydney child and adolescent psychiatry Professor Joseph Rey.

Reported in the latest edition of the Medical Journal of Australia, the survey found that 5.2 per cent, or 70, of the adolescents had clinically significant depression.

The survey found adolescent-reported depression was associated with: having planned suicide in the past year, making at least one suicide attempt in the past year, smoking marijuana 10 or more times in the past month, comorbid conduct disorder and using support services at school.

The survey found just three per cent of depressed adolescents were given antidepressants, suggesting that doctors may fail to identify the condition in young people or be reluctant to prescribe antidepressants.

It found depressed adolescents were more likely to access school services than non-depressed adolescents but not healthcare services.

The reasons for this need to be investigated, the survey report stated.

In the meantime counselling staff at schools should be trained to detect adolescents with depression and facilitate referral.