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From media@ccsi.com Mon Jul 2 12:41:07 2001
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 22:33:33 -0500 (CDT)
From: media@ccsi.com
Subject: [generalnews] Girls as young as 12 are swapping sex for drugs,
Article: 122013
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Girls as young as 12 are swapping sex for drugs, health worker says

Canberra Times [1 July 2001]

BRISBANE: Girls as young as 12 were swapping sex for drugs, food and housing, a forum run by the Australian National Council on Drugs was told yesterday.

Health worker Sarah Roberts said that poverty and domestic violence were forcing girls as young as 12 into prostitution.

Council chairman Salvation Army Major Brian Watters said the forum had also heard that parents were using their children to sell drugs, and some children were coming to school affected by drugs.

Major Watters said health and social workers dealing with drug addicts were frustrated and weary that they were not being properly resourced.

They are saying we are struggling to save these kids but governments are not giving it a priority, Major Watters said. The council will hand the Federal Government a major report based on the results of its community drug forums next month.

The report is expected to recommend governments allocate more resources to tackle marijuana, alcohol, petrol sniffing and new designer drugs.