The economic struggle of the working class in Spain
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- Miners' strike hits EU
- Workers World, 15 January 1998. Coal miners
in Spain's state-owned mines are waging a series of
strikes to protest layoff plans. Unions charge that nearly
3,000 workers will be laid off if the Spanish government
follows the dictates of the European Union.
- Philips “flexibility” refused by
- By Juan Montero, International Viewpoint, 20
September 1998. Militant trade union struggle in Barcelona
has blocked the latest attempt to “flexibilise”
Spain's working conditions. Rather than being
marginalised, radical left currents in the labour movement
have been strengthened.
- Daewoo workers in Spain, 2 months on
- From La Red Obrera, 28 September 1999. Daewoo workers have
been out on strike since July 19, 1999 in a bitter struggle
against casualisation and for decent wages and
conditions. This is quite an important dispute in Spain
where a third of all jobs are now on casual basis.
- Update on Delphi Packard Spain
- IMF News17 February 2000. Following a week of
meetings and intense discussion regarding Delphi
Packard's decision to restructure its operations in
Spain and transfer production to Morocco and Poland, the
one-week strike planned by FM/CC.OO. and UGT Metal, to begin
on February 14, was called off.