Date: Sat, 10 Jan 98 12:42:54 CST
From: “Workers World” <>
Organization: WW Publishers
Subject: Workers around the world: 1/15/98
Article: 25317
Coal miners in Spain's state-owned mines are waging a series of strikes to protest layoff plans. Unions charge that nearly 3,000 workers will be laid off if the Spanish government follows the dictates of the European Union. The EU is demanding that Spain cut its coal production by 40 percent.
Strikes paralyzed the state-owned Hunosa and Figeroa mines for three days beginning on Dec. 26. Sensing a lack of progress, the unions walked out again a week later on Jan. 2 for a second three-day strike.
The workers are also demanding wage increases to cover inflation.
Union leader Jose Angel Fernandez warned that action would become more militant if the government cuts go through. “If the situation is still blocked on Jan. 7, we will have to escalate the conflict,” he said.