A-a. Equality
The last 5 years under the Kim Dae-Jung government has been filled with struggles against neo-liberalism. However, neo-liberalism has mainly been carried through according to the will of capital. This has resulted in the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, and increased divisions within the working class. Over the next 5 years, we must go from the defensive(Opposition to neo-liberalism) to the offensive(Overcome neo-liberalism). To do this, we must raise the flag of ‘equality’ against the neo-liberal logic of competition. We must continuously struggle for the abolishment of inequality between the rich and poor, and also between regular and irregular workers, men and women workers, large enterprise and small/medium enterprise workers, Korean and migrant workers.
A-b. Independence
The last 5years have also resulted in the loss of economic sovereignty, and the nation’s future is in danger because of America’s military hegemony. Our unification is also being hindered by outside forces. The labor movement, for the next 5 years, must continue with the anti-globalization, anti-war struggle, and the struggle for unification under the principle of ‘independence’.
A-c. Solidarity
The neo-liberal logic of competition has become deeply rooted even within the working class. The people’s movement is also becoming increasingly divided. Therefore the labor movement must strengthen the culture of solidarity. Under the principle of ‘solidarity’ it must strengthen unity within the workers’ movement, solidarity with civic and social movements, and international solidarity for anti-globalization and anti-war struggles.
B-a. Overcome Neo-liberal Globalization
B-b. Organize women, small/medium size enterprise, contingent, irregular workers. Build industrial union. Reform and strengthen the KCTU.
B-c. Strengthen solidarity with all democratic forces and build a people’s solidarity front
B-d. Attain Nation’s Independence and the peaceful unification
B-e. Put into practice the political empowerment of workers through strengthening of the progressive party movement.
A-a. Short term: Defensive struggles to block neo-liberal policies: Block the regression of the labor standard law, Abolish ’Special Economic Zones’, Stop privatization, Oppose WTO multi-lateral investment treaties(opening up of agriculture, education, and services) and regional/ bi-lateral Free Trade Agreements.
A-b. Mid-to long term: Convert to the offensive by actively raising social issues and putting forward social demands that can overcome the negative effects of neo-liberalism. The KCTU must continuously organize struggles for the following social demands: 1)Abolish Discrimination and Contingency Work 2)Strengthen Basic Labor Rights 3) Resolve increasing polarization of wealth and strengthen public sector.
The most important challenge in terms of organizational strategy : Organizing irregular workers including women workers, small-medium sized company workers and contingent workers
The KCTU will continue struggles for Peoples’ Livelihood, Social Change, Peace, and Unification in solidarity with progressive and democratic forces such as the workers, peasants, urban poor, students, civic and social groups. It will also strive to build an international solidarity front against neo-liberalism.
Realize independent and peaceful unification by strengthening solidarity between workers from the North and South.
Strengthen Worker-Based Progressive Political Party