From Thu Jan 9 14:00:09 2003
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 08:40:48 -0600 (CST)
From: MichaelP <>
Subject: Relating to UN document-Likely Humanitarian Scenarios
Article: 149555
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Likely Humanitarian Scenarios
This is an explanatory note to accompany the UN document entitled
Likely Humanitarian Scenarios
which is hosted on this site, at:
[This is a 1Mb PDF document which will take some time to download
over a modem - please be patient].
This strictly confidential
UN document, dated 10 December 2002,
examines Likely Humanitarian Scenarios
in the event of a war in
Iraq. It was written to assist with UN contingency planning for
safeguarding the wellbeing of a population most of whom the document
acknowledges are highly dependent
upon a Government ration for
their basic needs.
The document focuses on the likely outcomes for the infrastructure, the economy and Iraqi civilians, in the event of a range of anticipated military scenarios. Predictions include the serious degradation of the electricity sector, with the knock-on effect that all sectors - including health, water and sanitation - will have reduced capacity (para.5a). The extensive curtailment of access to potable water is anticipated (para.15). The document includes the following estimates for the humanitarian effects of military action:
In planning for the numbers that will require medical treatment, as
many as 500,000 could require treatment to a greater or lesser degree
as a result of direct or indirect injuries
(para.23). A footnote
bases this claim on World Health Organisation estimates of 100,000
direct casualties, and 400,000 indirect casualties. The high number of
indirect casualties may be partially because the outbreak of
diseases in epidemic if not pandemic proportions is very likely.
It is estimated that the nutritional status of some 3.03 million
persons countrywide will be dire and they will require therapeutic
feeding. This consists of 2.03 million severely and moderately
malnourished children under five and one million pregnant and
lactating women.
(para.27). A footnote identifies this as a United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimate.
It is estimated that there will eventually be some 900,000 Iraqi
refugees requiring assistance, of which 100,000 will be in need of
immediate assistance.
(para.35). A footnote identifies this as an
estimate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The text focuses on humanitarian needs and coping mechanisms. As part
of its analysis, the document presents the data of UN agencies on the
existing humanitarian situation inside Iraq. The context is of the
sanctions-induced humanitarian situation: a damaged economy and
infrastructure, and almost total dependence on the Government of Iraq
for basic needs provision. The document estimates that 16 million
Iraqis are completely dependent on the monthly food rations, in that
they have no other means with which to provide for other essential
(para.11). Chronic unemployment since 1991 has
resulted in a situation in which all except the most privileged
have completely exhausted their cash assets and have also in most
cases disposed of their material assets
The document presents an analysis of requirements for both emergency and protracted scenarios. Funding issues and relations with the military are also discussed.
The existence of this document was first reported in The Times
(London) on 23 December 2002, in an article entitled UN chief
issues secret orders for war in Iraq
. However, this is the first
time that the document has been made publicly accessible.
Please note this UN document is a draft. Estimates and other content may have since been revised. Additionally, several paragraphs and tables have been deleted at the request of the individual who released the document, including the entirety of page 3.