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Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 17:31:14 -0500
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Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 01:27:23 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
From: Rich Winkel <rich@pencil.math.missouri.edu>
Organization: PACH
Subject: Iraq: UN report warns of alarming situation in Iraq 2

/** mideast.gulf: 98.0 **/
** Topic: Iraq: UN report warns of alarming situation in Iraq 2 **
** Written 9:22 AM Oct 8, 1996 by G.LANGE@LINK-GOE.de in cdp:mideast.gulf **

Report warns of alarming status in Iraq, Pt. 2

Baghdad Observer, No. 8564, 30 September 1996


While WFP continues to make provision for the caseload of 1.02 million beneficiaries identified in the 1995-1996 inter-agency consolidated appeal, it has added some 30.000 destitute persons in the north, 1.1 million persons in families with malnourished children under five, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers, drawn from an estimated 4 million people cunsidered to be at severe nutritional risk, as identified by the recent FAO/WFP mission.

The increased caseload brings the overall number of beneficiaries to 2.151 000. Under the second phase of the current programme, WFP requirments are estimated at some USD 61.7 million, including transportation, ITSH and direct costs.


Since the launching of the current appeal, some USD 2.8 million have been made available for FAO project in Iraq. The majority of funds received (USD 2.2 million) were earmarked from frozen assests/matching funds for sunpest control activities, food and mouth disease control, supply of animal vaccines, and agricultural inputs for improved food production.

A number of authorization requests recently addressed by FAO to the sanctions committee relate to Iraq of veterinary vaccines (4 December), laboratorty equipment for Rinderpest diagnosis and control (15 Decem- ber), vegetable seeds (3 January) and spare parts for combine har- vesters (4 January).


It is estimated that some 200 million litres of Kerosene are required to cover winter requirments in the North.

To cover part of the needs of the schools and social institutions in the North, limited quantities of Kerosene are being purchased locally under a USAID/OFDA bilateral programme.

On 24 Januaq 1994, the UN Coordinator's Office in Baghdad had been informed by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the completion of administrative formalities regarding the purchase of Kerosene in Iraq for relief needs in the Northern provinces. Dependent on the actual delivery and cost, distribution will be made under UNICEF's AEGIS to social institutions and most needy families.

Health and Nutrition

UNICEF, WHO and WFP report that increasing numbers of vulnerable groups, mainly children, are dying of simply ailments because of malnutrition and acute shortages of medicines and medical care. Approximately 23 per cent of children under 5 years of age suffer from malnutrition and con- stitute 39 per cent of the current monthly deaths of about 11.000 (i.e four times that of 1991).

The cholera outbreak that began early November 1995 and claimed three lives among the civilian population in Suleimaniyah governorate has been brought under control.

Additional funding (USD 1.5 million) is required by WHO for the procurement of insecticides under a malaria control programme. Spraying is expected to start by mid-March.