[World History Archives]

Retrospective history of Asia as a whole

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   History of Asia in general

The pre-modern history of Asia as a whole

Nestorian bibliography
Part of a dialog from the Medieval History list, March 1996. An unfortunately brief fragment of the dialog.
Buddhist Ruins along Silk Road?
A dialog from the CenAsia list, 6 June 1999. A brief list.
Asian-based world economy 1400-1800: A horizontally integrative macrohistory
By Andre Gunder Frank, 12 November 1995. Extracts from a book arguing for an Asian-based world economy.
17th-19th century Asian conceptions of political geography
A dialog from H-Asia list, 12 January 1999. Eurocentrism of the literature.

The history of Asia in the era of World War II

'Comfort Women' Battle On Despite Legal Blow
By Suvendrini Kakuchi, IPS, 12 October 1998. Concerning the Japanese use of sex slaves recruited from Asia outside Japan.
Historical parallels of Japanese economic expansion
A dialog frm the H-Asia list, January 1998. The question is how to evaluate political expansion that arguably results in an improvement in the people's wellbeing, arguably unites peoples having a degree of shared culture or a shared need for the strength to confront the wider hostile world? Example of how morally challenging questions are evaded lest they expose the contradictions of the bourgeois state.
Observations on Japan War
A dialog from the H-Asia list, February 1998. An attack on Japanese brutal expansionism that rather misses the point of the question, as the list moderator implies.