The political significance of Joseph Lieberman
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U.S. electoral politics in general
The U.S. presidential election of the year
- Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)
- The MoJo Wire. Mother Jones article on Joseph Lieberman's
1993 sellout to the USX corporation and his position on
hazardous industrial wastes.
- Oppose Anti-Iraq Senate Letter
- Arab American Institute Action Alert, 25 September
1998. Letter showing Joseph Lieberman's advocacy of
U.S. genocide in Iraq.
- ACLU Rating for Senator Lieberman, Democrat,
- ACLU's voting score card in Sessions 104 and 105 of Congress.
Joseph Lieberman stood against the ACLU on most issues.
- A Special Report on Sen. Joseph Lieberman--"Behind
The Mask,"
- V.P. Candidate's Role As Virtuecrat, Dangerous Record On State-Church
Issue & "Tipper Stickers" Raises Concerns. American
Atheists, #798 - 799, 7 August 2000. Behind Joseph Lieberman's
mask are unsavory associations. Joseph Lieberman's presence on the
Democratic ticket is part of continuing strategy by the party to
incorporate "values" and religion in their public image,
something which has become High Art for their Republican
- A Democrat who can red-bait Republicans
- By Al Hart, Solidarity4Ever, 7 August 2000. Lieberman is a
member of the rightist Democratic Leadership Conference (DLC)
and a consistent free trader. He has made a name for himself
in the Senate as an Orthodox Jewish Democrat who likes to line
up with Christian Conservative Republicans on so-called
"moral issues." He left a very bad taste in the mouths
of many Connecticut voters at the time of Lieberman's run
against the liberal Sen. Lowell Weiker.
- Bad for the Jews, Bad for the Country: Joseph
Lieberman has strayed from the best aspects of Jewish tradition
- By Rabbi Michael Lerner, in BeliefNet, 7 August 2000.
Joseph Lieberman is likely to accelerate the process in which
the two major parties seem to be merging into one pro-business,
pro-wealthy, elitist, and morally tone-deaf governing force.
- Senator Often Stands to Right of His Party
- By David E. Rosenbaum, The Record, 8 August 2000.
Joseph I. Lieberman has often taken positions at odds with Vice
President Al Gore and the Democratic Party on school vouchers,
affirmative action, regulation of managed care, capital gains
taxes and product liability. Usually votes with the Party, but
when he has opposed the Clinton administration, Mr. Lieberman
has invariably taken a more conservative stance, often the one
held by Republicans.
- Joe Lieberman - Irony and Hypocrisy
- Mid-East Realities, 8 August 2000. Joe Lieberman and Al Gore were
two of the 10 Senators of the Democratic party who voted to make
war on Iraq and who have pressed to maintain the genocidal
"sanctions" on that country. When the actual policies he
has advocated are examined in cold fact he has been one of the
primary advocates of modern-day genocide, of neo-apartheid in the
Holy Land, and of a rampant American militarism whose day of
reckoning is yet to come.
- Lieberman on secrecy
- From Steven Aftergood, Project on Government Secrecy,
Federation of American Scientists, 8 August 2000.
While Joseph Lieberman has spoken out against secrecy,
he has opposed secrecy reform on several occasions.
- Senator's Reform Efforts Sometimes Get
- By Helen Dewar and Eric Pianin, Washington Post,
9 August 9 2000. Lieberman, unable to get legislation
though, takes on the role of conscience of the Senate,
with a passionate interest in issues involving morals
and cultural values. However, despite his call for
overhauling campaign finances, he's been an aggressive
participant in the current system. When Lieberman occasionally
dissents from the Democratic Party line, it has invariably
been to take a position to the right of his party. Many
find Joe Lieberman easy to ignore, especially when, as some
have said privately, he gets a little sanctimonious or
politically self-serving.
- Perspectives on Sen. Lieberman's Policies
- From the Institute for Public Accuracy, 9 August 2000.
Identifying Sen. Lieberman as a moral hero only makes
sense when we narrow our vision of 'morality' to the
sphere of sexual ethics and abandon the Biblical
insistence that social justice is the core of ethical
life. It is indeed a shame that a person with Lieberman's
policies is the first Jewish person to be on a major ticket,
given how much American Jews have contributed to social
justice throughout the years.
- Lieberman criticized for support of military
- By Diane Scarponi, Associated Press, 9 August 2000. Peace
activists critical of Sen. Joseph Lieberman's support of the
defense industry - a major Connecticut employer since the Civil
War - say his hawkish record may drive left-leaning Democrats
to Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. There is no other Democrat
within shooting range of Joe Lieberman with the weapons lobby.
Talk of Lieberman's high moral standards does not wash with his
defense record.
- Media, political "churn" over Lieberman
pick continues along with state-church questions
- American Atheists, 9 August 2000. Lieberman's professed
religiosity could end up being "problematic", but it is
part of a broader Democratic Party strategy. A Gore policy advisor
told reporters that the party "is going to take back God this
time."; Lieberman is the perfect man for the job. There is
growing scrutiny about Lieberman's record on First Amendment issues.
Lieberman is using religiosity to woo voters, and he has a poor
record on capitol hill regarding the separation of church and
- A Passing Exploration of Privatization
- By John Mintz, The Washington Post, 10 August 2000.
Lieberman once favored exploring the idea of partially privatizing
Social Security but late last year suddenly came to agree with
V.P. Gore. Significantly, this reversal came right after Gore
policy adviser Elaine Kamarck asked him and about 20 other Democratic
leaders to make statements criticizing Bush's Social Security
- Holy smoke and mirrors: The Rise of centrist
- By Norman Solomon, Creators Syndicate, 10 August 2000.
It's always dangerous when politicians claim to be doing
God's will. So, as the novelty fades from Al Gore's selection
of Joseph Lieberman, journalists should ask some probing
questions about the ticket's conspicuous piety.
- Joe Lieberman fails first big moral
- Mid-East Realities, 10 August 2000. But even
though Senator Lieberman went to some pains to tell us
how proud he is as a Jew, what a strong supporter he
is of Israel, not a word from the Senator about one
of the most blatantly racist and bigoted comments to
be ever uttered about an entire people by one of the
major religious figures in Israel.
- ACJ Urges Senator Lieberman to Reconsider
his Position
- American Committee on Jerusalem Press Release, 11 August
2000. Analysis of Lieberman's position on the Jerusalem
- Al Gore, The Jews and the Liberal-Left
- By Dave Silver, 11 August 2000. Lieberman has received a
very positive response not only leaders of major Jewish
organizations, but also a broad spectrum of liberal and
Left people. Who is this moral Jew that is so compatible
with the policies and practices of the ruling class?
No illusions that the Democratic Party can be "reformed"
and be part of a people's solution rather than the problem.
- Lieberman pontificating on the evils of
- Reuters, 15 August 2000. Democratic vice presidential candidate
Joseph Lieberman accused Hollywood on Sunday of corrupting
the nation's children and corrupting its culture, singling
out Walt Disney Co. Lieberman, has been an outspoken critic
of the film industry, and some in Hollywood were less than
enthusiastic when Gore tapped the two-term senator as his running
- Lieberman Stirs Concern Among Blacks
- By Thomas B. Edsall and Hamil R. Harris, The Wasington
Post, 15 August 2000. Some African American Democrats,
who have questioned his stands on affirmative action and
education and suggested he may cost the party support in
a key constituency.
- Lieberman Rallies Delegates
- By David S. Broder, The Washington Post, 16 August
2000. Lieberman, promised their administration would help
all Americans "claim the limitless possibilities of
their own God-given lives." His rhetoric was reassuring
to African Americans and other liberals who had questioned
some of his senatorial stands on school vouchers and
affirmative action.
- Lieberman a close ally of Miami's Cuban exiles
- By Anthony Boadle, Reuters, 11 August 2000. Democratic
vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman is a firm opponent of
relaxing the pressure on Cuba. He voted for the 1992 Cuban Democracy
Act and the 1996 Helms-Burton Act tightening the embargo. Lieberman
joined Republican politicians to
delay the return to Cuba of six-year-old Elian Gonzalez, and he has
consistently supported funding of the controversial U.S.-government's
Radio and TV Marti stations that broadcast to Cuba. Lieberman and
Gore have identical views on the goals of U.S. policy on Cuba.
- Al Gore, The Jews and the Liberal-Left
- By Dave Silver, 11 August 2000. Can we say that the selection of
Joseph Lieberman is a blow to anti-semitism and white racism? No,
for Gore and Clinton were architects of the Democratic Leadership
Council which moved the Party's "middle" to the Right to
keep pace with the perceived movement of their constituency to
the Right.
- Comments on Lieberman Stir Old Tensions
- By Lynne Duke, Washington Post, 20 August 2000. Example
of how the capitalist media focus on religion displaces discussion
of any real issues; a focus on a few ambivalent statements
implicitly dismisses the Black vote as a whole.
- Does Joe Lieberman Really Hold the Moral High
- By David Morse, in the San Francisco Chronicle, 23 August
2000. Politically, it is hard to argue with Lieberman's choosing
to distance himself from Clinton and Gore's subsequent choice of
Lieberman. But whether this places Gore and Lieberman on the moral
high ground is highly questionable. Let us not confuse the media's
insatiable hunger for scandal with morality; let us not reduce
morality to sex.
- Lieberman Caught in Political Bind
- By Dan Morgan, Washington Post, 26 August 2000. Big
pharmaceutical companies and health insurers have been among the
most generous donors to Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman and
the centrist Democratic political organization he co-founded four
years ago. But lately the Democratic ticket he joined in Los
Angeles has been biting the hand that funds him.
- Lieberman Urges 'Place for Faith' in Public Life
- By Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, 28 August 2000. Sen. Joseph
I. Lieberman, choosing a black church, today
delivered an impassioned appeal for a return of faith to public life.
He focused on linking strong moral beliefs with political leadership.
Lieberman adept at using faith as a rhetorical avenue to discuss
the American dream, mass culture and civil rights.
- Church-state watchdog group urges Lieberman to
curtail religious rhetoric of presidential campaign
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State press
release, 29 August 2000. Urges Lieberman to reduce his use of
religious campaign rhetoric. "Religion is taking on a
progressively larger role during this campaign and candidates'
personal faith is being presented to the public with increasing
- Lieberman Urged to Rethink Conn. Race
- By William C. Mann, Associated Press, 3 September 2000. Lieberman's
decision to run for the Senate in Connecticut while he also runs for
Vice President.
- Where Would Senate Be Without Lieberman?
- By Helen Dewar, Washington Post, 4 September 2000.
If Democrats pick up four Senate seats, there would be
a 50-50 tie, which a Democratic vice president would break.
However, if Lieberman is elected Senator from
Connecticut, he would have to relinquish the seat, and his
replacement would be chosen by Connecticut's GOP governor,
who would name a Republican. So there would be
no tie for Lieberman to break in favor of his Party.
- Let Senator Joe Lieberman know that you, and
millions of other American nonbelievers, support the separation of
Church and state -- and you vote!
- AANews, 5 September 2000. Joseph Lieberman told a
church audience that it was time for Americans to "reaffirm
our faith and renew the dedication of our nation and ourselves
to God and God's purpose." He also suggested, "the
constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from
- "Contact Joe," Remind Lieberman and
other pols that we have separation, the right to freedom from
- American Atheists, 6 September 2000. Campaign to
protect religious freedom from Sen. Joseph Lieberman.
- Lieberman Pulls Back on Religion
- By David S. Broder, Washington Post, 10 September 2000.
Lieberman admits that big business is concerned about his injection
of religion into the campaign and so back off.
- Donors Old and New Inspired by Lieberman
- By Lori Montgomery and Ceci Connolly, Washington Post,
16 September 2000. The Jewish community has always been a
reliable source of cash, but the prospect the first Jewish
vice president is a significant fundraising boon to the party,
and the first Jewish vice presidential nominee has turned out
to be a fundraising dynamo.
- Bennett Hits Lieberman on Hollywood
- By Michael Powell, The Washington Post, 21 September
2000. Democratic vice presidential nominee Joseph I. Lieberman
soft-pedals cultural criticism in pursuit of Hollywood
- Bennet blasts Lieberman over censorship waffling,
religious joke at fund raiser
- AANews, 21 September 2000. Possible Democratic party
efforts to rein-in Sen. Joseph Lieberman's Old Testament-style
blasts at the entertainment industry draws the wrath of his
friend William J. Bennett, former secretary of education.
Bennett accuses Mr. Lieberman of retreating from the crusade
against excessive violence, sexuality and irreverence in popular
- For Lieberman, Guns Are No Easy Target
- By Dan Morgan, Washington Post, 22 September 2000.
Vice presidential candidate Joseph I. Lieberman has a long
record of support for gun control, but when it comes to
defending the interests of the firearms companies Connecticut's
"gun valley," Lieberman has sometimes acted like just
another home-state senator defending his region's economic
- A Brief Visit Home To Run for Senate
- By Edward Walsh, Washington Post, 26 September 2000.
Under Connecticut law, if the Gore-Lieberman ticket wins in
November and Lieberman is also reelected to the Senate, he
would have to resign his Senate seat before taking office as
vice president. Lieberman's replacement would be named by
Republican Gov. John G. Rowland.
- Who is Joe Lieberman?
- By Dr. Manning Marable, in Along the Color Line, September
2000. Lieberman has shifted to the right and holds positions hostile
to the interests of African Americans. Bush, Cheney, Gore and
Lieberman, in the end, only reflect variations of the same bankrupt
political philosophy.
- Gore-Vey!: Joe Lieberman, Jewish Mobility, and the
Politics of Race in America
- By Tim Wise, September 2000. Given Lieberman's voting record,
which places him in the Benjamin Netanyahu school of political Jews,
author finds it difficult to be ebullient at the sight of such a
person on any political ticket.
- Dear Senator Lieberman
- An open letter from Stanley Heller and Mazin Qumsiyeh, 11 October
2000. Senator Joe, you're reputed to be a man of conscience. Please
speak out against Israeli apartheid and murder of civilians. Please
demand that Congress suspend aid to Israel until it complies with
basic human rights and international law.
- What Is Joe Lieberman Trying To Tell Us?
- By Michael Moore, 20 October 2000. Lieberman continues to run for
vice president AND the U.S. Senate. Connecticut. If Gore and
Lieberman win, the crucial Senate seat from Connecticut will
go to a Republican and deprive the Democrats possible control of
the Senate. To him, a personal victory is more imporant than a Gore
- Lieberman again claims "no freedom from religion"
in Notre Dame address; cites Judeo_Christian roots of America
- In American Atheists, 24 October 2000. Joseph Lieberman
called for a greater role for religious groups in the public square,
and again declared that "the Constitution promises freedom of
religion, not freedom from religion. We are after all not just
another nation, but 'one nation under God.'"
- Joe Lieberman again tells Americans we don't
have freedom from religion
- In American Atheists, 26 October 2000. American
Atheists President Ellen Johnson told the Los Angeles Times
that Lieberman has his facts wrong -- the Constitutional separation
of church and state does guarantee us freedom FROM religion, and
that religion has been an oppressive and divisive force throughout