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Racism in the United States
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World History Archives and does not
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- What direction for the case of Abner
- Haiti Progres,
This Week in Haiti,
4–10 February 1998. The beating and torture of
Louima at the hands of four New York policemen last
Aug. 9. Will the case of Abner Louima become a landmark in
the history of the struggle against police brutality? Or
will it be depoliticized and reduced to a venal bid for a
high cash settlement?
- Racism and Orthodox Judaism
- Fax sent to Utrice Leid, Host of Talkback,
WBAI-Pacifica, by Dave Silver, 8 March 1998. Lies and
distortions parading as Liberal Theology as told by an
Orthodox Jew and pretended progressive activist.
- Justice for James Byrd! Outrage over Texas
- By Gloria Rubac, Workers World, 25 June
1998. The gruesome lynching of Byrd has generated mass
outrage against the racism in the United States. Byrd was
kidnapped by three white men with ties to racist groups
such as the Aryan Nation. In this rural East Texas
lumber-mill town, screaming racist slurs, they chained him
by his feet to their pickup truck. Parts of his body were
found all along the road outside town.
- Dragging Death Mocked in NYC Parade
- Associated Press, [16 September 1998]. A New York City
neighborhood whose Labor Day parades over the years
included floats poking fun at Jews, gays and Asians has
come under fire this time for a display lampooning the
dragging death of a black man, James Byrd, in Texas.
- Latest Shootings Show Reach of Racist
- By Farhan Haq, IPS, 12 August 1999. When Buford Furrow
Jr, charged with the shooting at a Jewish community centre
in California, surrendered to the FBI Wednesday, he told
agents that he wanted to send a message to America by
killing Jews.
- When Anti-Racism Strikes Out: Understanding
the Difference Between Individual and Systemic Bias
- By Tim Wise, 17 February 2000. Atlanta Braves relief
pitcher John Rocker’s racist, xenophobic, sexist and
homophobic slurs. The handling of the incident illustrates
society’s general inability to address
institutionalized racism, as opposed to healing
individuals through sensitivity training.
- White Supremacy in Dixie
- By Dr. Manning Marable, Along the Color
Line, February 2000. White feelings of
victimization by affirmative action, characterized as
reverse discrimination.
- Latinos See Bias in Elgin’s Fight
Against Blight
- By Michael A. Fletcher, Washington Post.
Monday 29 May 2000. Latinos here see bias in the tougher
enforcement of houssing regulations. Racial groups differ
sharply over the amount of discrimination they believe is
faced by Latinos.
- Tubman Mural Defaced at Md. School
- Associated Press, Saturday 21 July 2000. Swastikas and
racial epithets were spray-painted onto a mural of
abolitionist Harriet Tubman. On the side of the Magnolia
Middle School, is one of five works of Tubman commissioned
from artist Mike Alewitz for public buildings around the
- Airline scrutiny at issue
- By Thomasi McDonald, The Observer, 16
December 2000. Airline horror story resulting from racial
profiling: flying while Arab.