Date: Thu, 9 Apr 98 22:40:22 CDT
From: David Silver <>
Subject: Racism and Orthodox Judaism
Article: 32009
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Message-ID: <>
Dear Utrice,
As a Jew who traded in his Orthodox upbringing for Marxism, and who could not get through to 279-3400, permit me to bust some lies and distortions parading as Liberal Theology as told to listeners by your guest Gary Moskowitz, who is Orthodox and pretends to be a progressive activist.
Most cops are good
he says. The truth is most cops are racist
and will be brutal when either people of color, working class or poor
are engaged in a struggle to better their human condition. Your guest
said that Giuliani is better able to control the police. What he
really means is that he, the mayor, has created a climate in which
white police officers can brutalize those who challenge the system for
a little bit of justice and feel protected from disciplinary and
especially legal action.
Moskowitz made two assertions whose underpinning I believe is
essentially racist. Blacks have the same problems as Jews
said. This immediately equates Black and Jewish oppression here in
Babylon. Of course the truth is that Jews are an economically
privileged group and some wield limited corporate power and are able
to get high priced lawyers for their white collar crimes. While many
Blacks and Latinos in desperate situations, unable to provide for
themselves and families break the law or turn to drugs for survival
and fill our prisons. It is sheer chutzpah to put a period after we
have the same problems as Blacks.
If only the oppressed and exploited would use the process
for a
redress of grievances our Talmudic scholar says. Why he even suggests
to go to the Supreme Court. My Jewish brother must be on another
planet of reality to think that they
don’t petition,
demonstrate and where Legal Aid permits go to court and appeal. I call
this Blame the Victim syndrome as essentially racist in nature.
I also find tinged with racism Moskowitz’ characterization of
the murder of Gavin Cato as an accident
while Yankel
Rosenbaum’s death is murder. If anything the former at very
least is vehicular homicide, aided and abetted by the Mayor and
Police, while the latter could be called malfeasance and malpractice
at Kings County Hospital.
Finally. Orthodox Judaism is given the cloak of a kind of progressive
philosophy. The truth is that it is reactionary and sexist at very
least. As is the case with all such Orthodoxies a God is substituted
for human reason and action to better the human condition and a
promise of a better life in paradise. And if we look at the
Lubavitcher sect, they are more arrogant, inflexible and less tolerant
of the other
than ordinary
orthodox Jews
Dave Silver