The contemporary political history of Chile
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The history of Chile in general
Documents for the struggle to bring Pinochet
to justice
Policies and reforms
- In Pursuit of "Growth with Equity:"
The Limits of Chile's Free-Market Social Reforms
- By Pilar Vergara, NACLA Report on the Americas,
May/June, 1996. Democracy came to Chile in 1990 with
inauguration of President Aylwin, but its neoliberal
principles meant the price was a growth of social inequity.
- Government rejects municipalities' request.
Says re-centralization of health and education funding would be
a setback
- ChilNet extract from El Mercurio, 13 May
1997. Finance Minister refuses to fund deficits in
local health and educational services or face their
- Chile's Labor Laws Molded Under
- From ICFTU Online 23 September 1997. Labor standards
in Chile carry marks of military regime says ICFTU report.
The climate of anti-trade unionism which was a clear feature
of the Pinochet dictatorship still prevails today.
- Report for the WTO General Council Review
of the trade policies of Chile (Geneva, 23-24 September
- ICFTU Online, 24 September 1999. This report on
Chile, prepared in consultation with the ICFTU affiliate
the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), considers in
turn the situation with regard to respect of each of the
core labour standards in Chile.
- Chile's underfunded social security system
- Jay Hecht, 13 November 1997. The "Personal Savings Account
System" supposedly avoids unfunded liabilities because
workers only gets a return only on what they contribute.
However, the system is way underfunded.
- Sexual Harassment Not a Crime, Say
- By Gustavo Gonzalez, Workers World, 14 August
1998. The majority of the members of a parliamentary
commission refused to classify sexual harassment as a
crime, arguing that it was too difficult to define and
to prove.
- Labour Reforms Rejected, Gov't Awaits Fallout
- By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS, 2 December 1999. The Chilean Senate
voted down government-proposed labour reforms, raising questions
about the failed bill's political impact on upcoming presidential
elections, and leaving the country in a tricky situation for
future international trade negotiations.
- The hard right come back in force
- Le Monde Libertaire, 5 January 2000. Analysis of the effect
of the Pinochet legacy on democracy in Chile.
The political opposition
- Chilean activist speaks out
- By Robyn Marshall, Green Left Weekly, 3 September
1995. Miriam Ortega, a long-time activist in Chilean left
politics, arrived in Australia at the end of July on a
one-month speaking tour. Miriam spent 11 years in Pinochet's
- The reemergence of social struggle
- By Samuel Rojas, November 1995. Historical analysis of the
opposition. Symptoms of emergent social struggle.
- Chilean Rebels End Armed Struggle
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 27 May 1997.
The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR) is abandoning
armed struggle to become a legal political organzation.
- Chile Still Divided 25 Years After Coup
- By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS, 11 September 1998. Chile split by
an event that radically changed national history and left
wounds that have not yet healed. Critics upbraided the
government for ordering a police cordon around the presidential
palace of La Moneda to keep people from paying homage to
socialist president Salvador Allende, who died there during
the coup.
- Rebel Attack in Chile?
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 11 January 1998.
A Jan. 8 clash between police agents and alleged members of a
guerrilla organization in La Legua, south of Santiago. One of
those killed, Jorge Riveros, is alleged to be linked to the Manuel
Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR); police sources say he underwent
paramilitary training in Cuba and the former Czechoslovakia.
- Coup Anniversary Brings Heavy Repression
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 13 September 1998.
On Sept. 11, Chileans commemorated the 25th anniversary of the
bloody 1973 coup that overthrew democratically elected socialist
president Salvador Allende Gossens. This was the last year in
which Sept. 11 will be a state holiday Marchers commemorating
the event were attacked by Carabineros (militarized police)
special forces.
- A Voice of the Left Is Heard Again in the
- Clifford Krauss, Valparaiso Journal, 30 April
1999. Ricardo Lagos, 61, the presidential candidate of
the Socialist Party (that brought Allende to power
nearly 30 years ago), campaigns with a former Communist
Party congressman.
- Lagos, Modern-day heir to Allende's Socialism
- By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS, 9 December 1999. Ricardo Lagos
hopes to become the second Socialist president in the history
of Chile, but in a context that has little to do with the one
in which the late Salvador Allende was elected in 1970.
Electoral politics
- Legislative Elections in Chile
- Weekly News Update on the Americas, 14 December
1997. Elections on Dec. 11 for all 120 members of the
Chamber of Deputies, and for 20 of the 38 senators who
are chosen by popular vote. The ruling Democratic Concertation
coalition of President Eduardo Frei maintained its majority
among voters, but his party, the Christian Democratic Party
(PDC), lost votes.
- Army Defiant on Eve of Inauguration of New
- By Gustavo Gonzalez, IPS, 10 March 2000. The Chilean army
reiterated on the eve of the inauguration of president-elect
Ricardo Lagos, its support for former dictator Augusto
Pinochet, who faces the possibility of being tried for human
rights violations.
- Lagos, Chile's Second Socialist President
- By Gustavo Gonz alez, IPS, 11 March 2000. Ricardo Lagos became
the second socialist president in the history of Chile nearly
30 years after president Salvador Allende took office. Chile's
first leftist governing coalition was toppled by a bloody coup
led by General Augusto Pinochet on Sep 11, 1973, in which
Allende died.
Human rights
- Viviana Diaz Caro, human rights defender
- Amnesty International, 19 November 1999. Viviana Diaz
Right wing attacks, probably from the FNL associated with
Pinochet, against this human rights worker.