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Sender: owner-imap@webmap.missouri.edu
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 98 09:27:42 CST
From: rich@pencil (Rich Winkel)
Organization: PACH
Subject: Weekly Americas News Update #415, 1/11/98
Article: 25422

/** reg.nicaragua: 27.0 **/
** Topic: Weekly News Update #415, 1/11/98 **
** Written 9:46 PM Jan 11, 1998 by wnu in cdp:reg.nicaragua **
ISSUE #415, JANUARY 11, 1998
339 LAFAYETTE ST., NEW YORK, NY 10012 (212) 674-9499

Rebel Attack in Chile?

Weekly News Update on the Americas, #415
11 January 1998

Chilean authorities are investigating a Jan. 8 clash between police agents and alleged members of a guerrilla organization in La Legua, south of Santiago. Two police agents and a man identified as Jorge Riveros, alias "Guaton" or "Chico Pablo," were killed in the incident. Riveros is alleged to be linked to the Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR); police sources say he underwent paramilitary training in Cuba and the former Czechoslovakia.

The shootout began after police stopped a suspicious vehicle to check the occupants' documents. One of the occupants pulled out a weapon and shot police agent Luis Arroyo, who died shortly afterwards in the hospital. Police launched a massive search operation with helicopters; during the chase police investigations officer Vianel Viatin was killed and two more police agents were wounded. The FPMR has not confirmed any connection to the incidents or to Riveros. [CNN en Espanol 1/9/98 with info from reporter Amaro Gomez-Pablos & Reuter]

The Chilean government admitted after the incident that a resurgence of rebel activity was possible in Chile. "With regard to a possible subversive regrouping, we don't dismiss it," said Interior Minister Carlos Figueroa. [Clarin (Buenos Aires) 1/10/98]

Meanwhile, the alternative publishing house LOM has published a book about the dramatic Dec. 30, 1996 escape of four FPMR members by helicopter from Santiago's Maximum Security Prison [see Update #362]. The book was written by one of the four fugitives, Ricardo Palma Salamanca, who remains in hiding. The judge investigating the escape has not dismissed the possibility of questioning the book's editors. [El Diario-La Prensa 1/4/98 from EFE]

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