Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the
documents in World History Archives and
does not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to
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Native Americans of the Caribbean and Florida
Retrospective history of the Tainos of Boriken (Puerto Rico)
- Information on Jatibonicu Region Aibonito, Puerto Rico
- By Hilario De Leon, The Associated Press, El Nuevo Dia, 20 November 1997. Archaeological
investigation of a cemetary (in Spanish).
Contemporary history of the Tainos of Boriken (Puerto Rico)
- Guaroko-Guaaji-Karaya: Month of remembrance & enslavement
- By Bo Matum, 17 November 1999. History and the need for Taino solidarity.
- An appeal to the Vatican on the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera"
of May 4, 1493
- From Tony Castanha, 17 November 1999. Appeal for Pope John Paul II to revoke the
1493 Bull "Inter Caetera." as a step away from the greed and subjugation
in a history that has oppressed, exploited and destroyed countless numbers of
indigenous peoples throughout the world.