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From: RunningFoxes@aol.com
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 01:27:45 EST
Subject: Fwd: #40 - Guaroko-Guaaji-Karaya

From: STaino@aol.com
Full-name: STaino
Message-ID: <0.b2a99d71.25637c30@aol.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:34:08 EST
Subject: #40 - Guaroko-Guaaji-Karaya

An appeal to the Vatican on the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera" of May 4, 1493

From Tony Castanha <castanha@hawaii.edu>
17 November 1999

Aloha y Guatiao,

The following Appeal was formulated at the pre-papal bulls burning gathering held at Kaumakapili Church in Honolulu, Hawai'i. Indigenous peoples and supporters are strongly urged to cut and forward this Appeal to the following Vatican internet sites. Most importantly, please email the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Archbishop Francis X. Van Thuan Nguyen. He may be a crucial link to the Pope. Send message below to: PcJustPax@JustPeace.va

*Help get the word out by including the following Vatican media sites in your message:

Vatican newspaper - ornet@ossrom.va
Vatican radio - sedoc@vatiradio.va
Vatican televison - ctv@ctv.va

Finally, for the historical record, please cc a copy of your Appeal to: castanha@hawaii.edu

On this most infamous of days (October 12), please get the word out NOW.

Thank you!

Tony Castanha
Coodinator, Papal Bulls Burning
Matsunaga Institute for Peace

November 19, 1999


Revoke the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera" of May 4, 1493!

On November 28, 1998, Pope John Paul II called "Christianity's 2,000th anniversary a year of mercy," saying "the church will seek forgiveness," "atonement," and that he "wants the church to enter the third millennium with a clear conscience" (Associated Press).

We, the undersigned, join with indigenous peoples everywhere in calling upon Pope John Paul II to revoke the 1493 Bull "Inter Caetera." We recognize that this would be a spiritually significant step towards creating a new way of life, and a step away from the greed and subjugation in a history that has oppressed, exploited and destroyed countless numbers of indigenous peoples throughout the world.

The Bull "Inter Caetera," like many other edicts issued before it by the Vatican, established Christian dominion and subjugation of non-Christian "pagan" peoples and their lands and has yet to be revoked.


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