The history of the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI)
Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in
World History Archives and does not
presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to
release their copyright.
- Global Giants: Fears of the
- Journal of Commerce, 23 April 1997. The MAI
pact being developed by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) meeting in Paris.
- NAFTA on crack
- By Gabriel Roth, in the San Francisco Bay
Guardian, 15 October 1997.
- Exceptions, Derogations and National
- By Marinus Sikkel, Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Netherlands. Symposium on the MAI, 20 October
1997—Cairo, Egypt.
- Ten Reasons to be Concerned About The
Multilateral Agreement on Investment
- By Andrea Durbin, Friends of the Earth, 25 November
- The Multilateral Agreement on
- By Paul Hellyer, 25 November 1997. Notes for an address
by the Hon. Paul Hellyer to the Sub-Committee on
International Trade, Ottawa, Ontario.
- The Multilateral Agreement on Investment:
An international human rights crisis
- By Ward Morehouse, Co-Director, Program on Corporations,
Law and Democracy, 2 December 1997.
- Treaty would give big business more
- By R.C. Longworth, the Chicago Tribune, 4
December 1997.
- Paul Hellyer, The Evil Empire:
Globalization's darker side (ann.)
- Publication announcement of a book by a former Canadian
cabinet minister, 9 December 1997.
- Investment deal a threat to our economic
- By Richard Gwyn, Citizens Democratic Watch, 30 December
- The MAI: Making the world safe for
corporate criminals
- By Shawn Ewald, 4 January 1998.
- US shies away from multilateral
- By Nancy Dunne, in Financial Times, 14
February 1998.
- Multilateral Agreement on
- Makere Harawira, Letter to the Newsroom Editor, 15
February 1998. A Maori perspective on the rationale for
the US refusal to sign the MAI draft in its present
- The MAI—insult plus injury to
developing nations
- By Martin Khor, Director of the Third World Network, 4
March 1998.
- Examining the MAI—Who wants corporate
- By Aaron Koleszar, in The Guardian
(Charlottetown), 13 March 1998. Focus is the gasoline
additive MMT in Canada. Letter to the editor and Ethyl
Corp.'s response.
- MAI would be in conflict with peremptory
norms of general international law and thus be null and
- By Joan Russow, National Leader of the Green Party of
Canada, 14 March 1998.