Multilaterial Agreement on Investment (MAI)
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 10:07:18 -0800
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
US shies away from multilateral accord
By Nancy Dunne, in Financial Times
14 February 1998
The US will not endorse a draft multilateral
investment agreement it
proposed itself more than two years ago because
it is "unbalanced" and
prejudicial to US interests, the US Trade
Representative said
Charlene Barshefsky said at a news conference
that the deal being
negotiated by the 29 members of the
Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development would require
"very substantial work to
make it something the US will sign".
High-level officials are to meet next week in
Paris to determine the
future of the MAI, which will lay down binding
rules for policies on
direct investment. The proposed pact has
generated opposition
worldwide among environmentalists, labour
unions and other citizen
groups, who say it threatens national
If the US does not endorse the agreement by its
April 28 deadline,
other countries may continue the negotiations -
with or without the
Americans. The US refused to sign a
multilateral financial services
pact - although a partial deal was reached
under EU sponsorship -
until a much stronger deal was agreed last
The opposition in the US - mostly heard among
Democrats - is
particularly damaging at a time when President
Bill Clinton has
presented an agenda designed to attract support
from his party.
Democratic foes helped sink his bid for new
"fast-track" trade
negotiating authority last year, and the White
House has hoped to
unite Democrats going into the 1998
congressional elections.
The MAI talks have proved much more contentious
than was expected when
the effort was launched in 1995. Member
countries are seeking broad
exemptions from the accord, which in the US
view, would defeat its
original purpose.
The US has been particularly upset that France
and Canada have clung
to their cultural exemptions for media
services, and it has opposed
the EU push for exemptions for countries within
its regional economic
integration organisation.
Meanwhile, US industry groups which pushed for
the pact originally
have grown disillusioned.
"It's a disappointment that we've gotten to this
stage," said Nancy
McLernon, deputy director of the Organisation
for International
Investment. "At the beginning we had really
high hopes. This was
supposed to be a state-of-the-art agreement
among industrialised
countries that were like-minded. But there has
been a lot of concern
that it was going down the wrong path. If you
have a great agreement
but carve out half the stuff in it, the
agreement isn't worth much any
US agencies have been split over the pact. The
State Department
reportedly has wanted to continue negotiations.
The trade office,
however, has warned that it did not contain
enough to attract the
support needed for the deal to win Senate
approval as a treaty.
US trading partners have also been
disappointed. It was hoped the deal
would bring a commitment by the US to end
imposition of sanctions.
Such a provision would never win approval in a
Congress which regards
trade retaliation as an important foreign
policy tool.
Negotiators had reportedly reached accord on
environmental and labour
clauses, which would require countries not to
lower standards in order
to attract investment. This would do little to
satisfy the pact's
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