History of Oceania as a whole
Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in World History Archives and does not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity or to release their copyright.
Political and general history
- Easter Island's End
- By Jared Diamond, in Discover Magazine, August 1995. Ecological catastrophe on
Eastern Island.
- Document Highlights Australia-NZ Tensions
- By Patrick Brown, in the Militant, 15 September 1997. Conflicts over South Pacific
policies, specifically re East Timor.
- Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference
- Sydney Australia, Glebe High School, Glebe, April 1998.
- Fourth NGO Parallel Forum Communique: The Pacific Way
- From The Guardian, (Australia) 2 September 1998. Directions necessary for progress
in Oceania.
Economic history
Documents for Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
- Workers' Primer on APEC
- From ALARM Update, issue nos. 4 & 5, July & August, 1996. An extended FAQ-style
- Statement of the International Women's Conference on APEC
- Asia-Pacific Women Reject APEC free trade policies. Manila, Philippines, 15-16
November, 1996.
- Joint Press Conference
- by the Pacific Islands Development Program/Center for Pacific Islands Studies, 29 July 1998.
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Bill Skate,
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, as released by the Office of the Spokesman U.S. Department of State.
Social history
- Prime Minister Rabuka of Fiji hosts the indigenous peoples of the Pacific, 1-6
September, 1996
- Press Release September 11th, 1996. The Indigenous Peoples of Hawaii, Guam and American
Samoa, CNMI (came unannounced) hold seminar on UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
- Organised crime threatens Asia-Pacific stability
- By John Mair, Reuters, 31 October 1997. Growth of sophisticated transnational gangs in the
drug business in Asia and Pacfic.