Citizens of Color, 1863-1890: Black Labor: Military Service
Union veterans returing from the
Civil War formed an organization called the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Mansfield Post in Middletown was quite active, and it included a number of Black Hartford veterans.
Shown here is a detail from a photography of the members of Mansfield Post #53 in c. 1880 (Connecticut
Historical Society Museum Collection). The photograph shows about 100 veterans, and it appears that
about five to ten percent of them were Black.
Military service had long attracted Blacks, and the two Connecticut Infantry Regiments have already
been discussed. The 29th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment mustered out in Hartford on 14 October
1965, but its veterans remained in touch, probably through such organizations as the Grand Army of the
Republic. They eventually decided to petition the State to form a National Guard unit of Black members.

On 27 May 1879, the 5th Battalion, Colored, of the Connecticut National Guard, was formed. The Hartford unit
in the Battalion was Company B, led by Captain Lloyd Seymor. This illustration shows part of a photograph
of this "2nd Separate" National Guard Company" from Hartford, in about 1892 (loan from the Connecticut
Afro-American Historical Society).
Menial and domestic labor
In most Connecticut towns, while a lucky or talented few might achieve respectable social rank, most
Blacks population until this time would have been employed in domestic labor, which to some extent must
not have been clearly distinct from slavery to either master or servant. The alternative, for males, would
have been simple heavy labor. For example, at the southern edge of New Britain, where today there are
ponds next to the highway, there was one of the brick works that supported the post Civil War building
boom. The cove just south of Wethersfield Cove was another. The New Britain brickworks employed a
significant number of Blacks, while their wives usually worked in town as domestic servants. This was
undoubtedly the case in Hartford as well. While this example suggests that Blacks might benefit from
the prosperity resulting from the War, but their jobs did not represent the first rung of a career ladder,
as was the case of most immigrants to this country, for growing racism tended to force everyone of
color to remain at the bottom rung without hope of an eventual rise.
The development of Hartford as a center of light industry called for a range of services in which
Blacks might find employment. Because many places of concentrated employment were some distance
from home (this was before the trollies were built), lunch became a problem. Most workers probably
brought lunch with them to work, but the Ladies of Hartford felt that the male nature needed
domestication and lunch should be separated from the workplace, which was considered unhealthy for
mind, body and spirit. Hence the word restaurant literally means that the person going to it is restored.
So the Ladies ran a restaurant for workers so that they might eat in a domestic-like atmosphere in
which nutrutious meals were available for modest cost. The lithograph below is of a sketch done by
H. C. Curtis in 1872. It shows their Workingmen's Restaurant" (Connecticut Historical Society Museum).
However, we need to consider all dimensions of the rise of restaurants. It appears here that
the waiters were Black, for such a job represented one step above being a domestic servant and
required much the same skills. On the other hand, the patrons are apparently all white. But note
carefully. They do not seem common laborers, who would be dressed in rough work clothing, but
well-dressed workers who read the newspaper. Although not much separated white and Black
workers in terms of income or the kind of work done, in this restaurant is reproduced the old
relation of slave and master. And as racism solidified this social divide, employers had little to
fear that white and Black labor might struggle together in their common interest (it had happened
not long before in the Knights of Labor).
Shown here is part of a 1908 photograph done by J. C. Dexter Co., Photographers, of work
being done on buildings probably originally built two or three decades earlier on lower State Street.
This view seems to look West from the intersection of State Street and Front Street - now Columbus
Boulevard (Connecticut Historical Society Museum). Pictured here is a Black workers, perhaps a plasterer.
State Street ran from the Old State House to the City's early life line, Commerce Street (today
largely displaced by the dike and Route 91) which connected the docks that jutted out into the Connecticut
River from Dutch Point up past Morgan Street to Pleasant Street. Before the Civil War, this commercial
activity offered employment, and so many of Hartford's Blacks lived on Front Street, a residential area
that paralleled Commerce Street, running from the Mill River (now the underground Park River) in Dutch
Point north to Pleasant Street. Although the Hartford and Springfield Railroad eventually built a spur to
its Commerce Street freight depot, the inevitable trend was for rail transportion to replace canals and
rivers as the principal way to carry goods. This drew the best jobs away from Commerce Street to the
streets that came to radiate from downtown along rail spurs, such as Windsor Street, and Homestead,
New Park, and Capital Avenues. While the better were no longer downtown, it did mean an expansion
of service sector and menial labor employment downtown, not far from the Black community living on
Front Street.
These generalizations regarding Hartford's early economic development require much further
study, particularly the relationship between economic change and patterns of Black residence and
employment. In the expanding economy after the Civil War, there is good reason to think that
employment opportunies multiplied, but the increasing segregation of the workforce on sexual
and racial lines to prevent labor solidarity intensified the exploitation of not only Black and female
labor, but ultimately more skilled white labor as well. Unfortunately, the early AFL tended to reflect
this and aimed to defend the relative advantage of white labor against Black and female labor, not
realizing that a divided labor ended by working against the interest of everyone.