The history of immigrants in Spain
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- Attacks Ignite Protests Against
- By Alicia Fraerman, InterPress Service, 28 July
1999. Racist attacks and protests against immigrant workers
over recent weeks set off massive anti-racism demonstrations
throughout Spain, Tuesday. Public protests forced
authorities to relocate the families to emergency housing in
tents, but officials continue proceedings to deport more
than half of the Rumanians.
- “Street children” have rights
- News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of
Amnesty International, 16 August 2001. In the run-up to the
Third World Conference against Racism, Amnesty International
called today for the full protection of the rights of
undocumented foreign children found on Spanish territory in
the North African Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and
- Immigrants Flood Prosperous Spain
- By Jerome Socolovsky, Associated Press, 22 August
2001. These days illegal immigrants are swamping Spain's
shores like never before, crossing perilous waters in
rickety boats despite a tough new immigration law that has
triggered police crackdowns and an outburst of
anti-immigrant sentiment.
- African migrants dumped on Spain's
- By Elizabeth Nash, The Independent, 31 January
2006. The Canary Islands are now the EU's most important
entry point for illegal immigrants from Africa, far
outstripping the Straits of Gibraltar as the preferred
clandestine route to Europe. Planes chartered by Spain's
interior ministry leave the islands nearly every day
carrying dozens of would-be immigrants who are left to fend
for themselves in Murcia, Valencia and Madrid.