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Date: Tue, 3 Dec 96 12:33:26 CST
From: ()
Subject: Radio B92 closed down by serbian government

Radio B92 from Belgrade off the air!

From, 3 December 1996

The Dutch News Agency ANP reports that the Serbian authorities took Radio B92 off the air! At this moment Radio B92 is the only independent radio station of Belgrade.

The past few days the authorities have disrupted the broadcasting frequently. Vans with scrambling devices drove around the building of B92 and prevented the news from getting broadcasted within and past the city borders. B92 has been cut off because of their critical position against the Government and the live coverage of the protests and demonstrations in the streets of Belgrade. These protest have been going on for more then two weeks and are a result of decision of the Serbian Government, after it seemed that the opposition parties took the lead, to declare the outcome unlawful.

Earlier today (14:00 GMT+), Veran Matic, the chief-editor, told Press Now the crowds were still on the streets, but things looked more quiet. A few moments government officials came in and switched the transmitters off. They claim that B92 do not have permission to broadcast, while they have been broadcasting since, of course, 1992.

Besides of being a radio station, B92 is active in the field of theater, film, video and Internet productions in Serbia.

BELGRADO (ANP) - De Servische autoriteiten hebben dinsdag het enige onafhankelijke radiostation van Belgrado, B 92, uit de lucht gehaald. De afgelopen dagen waren de uitzendingen al herhaaldelijk gestoord wegens kritiek op de machthebbers.

De stap volgt op een aanhoudende golf van protestmanifestaties tegen president Milosevic in de straten van de Servische hoofdstad, melden radiomedewerkers. De protesten duren nu al ruim twee weken. De demonstranten willen dat het staatshoofd terugkomt van zijn besluit om enkele uitslagen van de onlangs gehouden gemeenteraadsverkiezingen ongeldig te verklaren. De oppositie vergaarde onder meer in Belgrado de meeste stemmen.

03 dec 96, 16:16 ANP

- Roger Kenbeek
* Amsterdam *