history of the Kingdom of Norway

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37,000 Machinists Strike In Norway
By Dag Tirsén, Militant, 3 June 1996. Nearly 37,000 machinists have been on strike at some 500 companies since May 13 over wages and pensions. It is the largest strike in the industry since 1924.
Two-Hour Strike Protests Austerity
By Dag Tirsén, Militant, 2 November 1998. Some 1.2 million unionists brought this country to a standstill for two hours on October 15. The work stoppage was called to protest a proposed government austerity budget
Norway Union Calls Big Strike for Wednesday
By Ola Peter Krohn Gjessing, Reuters, Friday 28 April 2000. Norway's main union Friday called a strike by 81,500 workers from next Wednesday in what is likely to become the country's biggest labor conflict since the 1980s. The new Labor government took office in March urging wage moderation, and labor traditionally has close ties to LO.
On the general strike in Norway
By Arno Mong Daastoel, 6 May 2000. The situation here is that almost everybody here are shocked and dead angry about certain principles of the new economy. At the same time they have been preaching moderation to the unions who have listened and agreed. Until recently.
Conflict May Shut Norway Oil Fields
By Doug Mellgren, Associated Press, Monday 19 June 2000. Norway's oil company association on Monday threatened to shut down oil production by locking out more than 2,600 union members in an ongoing labor conflict over retirement ages.