From Sun Feb 8 16:45:13 2004
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 20:39:43 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Givel
Subject: [progchat_action] DUTCH ARE ‘POLARISED' SAYS REPORT
Article: 172571
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
The Netherlands' example as a successful, tolerant, multi-cultural
community has taken a dent with the publication of a parliamentary
report saying Dutch society is becoming increasingly polarised, with
huge ethnic ghettos and subcultures tearing the country apart. It is
an issue which has been simmering away for years, but only made the
headlines two years ago when the radical politician Pim Fortuyn, who
was later assassinated, called for an end to immigration. He said
immigration, especially from Muslim countries, was diluting Dutch
liberal values. Now the all party parliamentary report has reached a
similar conclusion. It says the attempt to create an integrated
multiethnic society has failed. While most immigrants had integrated
well, it said, there were also growing ghettos of foreigners from
countries such as Turkey and Morocco. Even Dutchborn foreigners
tend to marry within their own communities and find spouses in their
parents' home countries. The report blamed successive Dutch
governments for what had previously been seen as a positive policy
designed to make life easier for immigrants allowing them to be taught
in their native languages at primary school. This had merely
perpetuated their alienation and prevented them from integrating into
Dutch society properly, it said. In what would mark a reversal of a
30yearold policy, the report recommended that the country's
Muslims should henceforth effectively become Dutch
The city of Rotterdam, where almost half the population is of
non-Dutch origin (and where Mr Fortuyn had his biggest following), has
already preempted the report by bringing in measures to prevent the
influx of more immigrants. At the end of last year it sought to keep
out poor immigrants by stipulating that newcomers must earn 20% more
than the minimum wage. All applicants for a residence permit would
have to demonstrate a good command of Dutch. And no more political
refugees would be accepted for four years. Although the Dutch report
deals broadly with immigrants
and their effect on Dutch
society, there is no doubt that it is Muslim immigrants who are seen
as posing the biggest problem. In this, there are similarities with
France, where current moves to ban religious symbols
in schools
and public places are aimed primarily at banning the headscarf worn by
many Muslim women. Opinion surveys all over Europe have detected
growing public distrust of Islam in the two years since the 11
September attacks on New York and Washington. The USled war on
has been largely aimed at Islamist groups, inadvertently
encouraging public perceptions of Muslims as being incompatible
with Western society. In the Netherlands (and elsewhere) there is talk
of trying to create a European
form of Islam basically a
secularised version, where private religious beliefs are tolerated but
not any manifestations of Islam which undermine European laws and
There is now a lively debate across Europe over whether assimilation
or integration or multi-culturalism is the most desirable way
forward. Holland seems to be lurching from the multi-cultural option
in which immigrants keep their own languages and cultures, at the risk
of becoming ghettoised to a policy of assimilation, by which newcomers
lose all trace of their original identity and become indistinguishable
from their host
nation other than by the colour of their
skin. In the middle is the option of integration practised with some
success in the UK whereby immigrants retain their distinct cultures
but are also encouraged to become part of the general community. With
Belgium now also considering a headscarf ban, there appears to be a
growing trend towards assimilation. It's a process that's
already caused a storm among Islamic communities in Europe and abroad,
and may be fraught with as many problems as the opposite
of multi-culturalism. Trevor Phillips, chairman of the UK's
Commission for Racial Equality, says the real enemy of integration is
inequality: The more we keep people unequal, the more they are
likely to say, ‘This society doesn't want us, it
discriminates against us,’ (and) they fall into the hands of