The following are excerpts from the speech that Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams would have delivered in Belfast had his party’s delegation been admitted to the all-party talks.
Our objective is to end British rule in Ireland,
states. We want to see a society on this island which reflects the
diversity of our people. This is not therefore a northern issue
only. Partition effects all of us. Irish freedom, democracy, and peace
are in the interest of all the people on the island. Sinn Fein seeks
national self-determination, the unity and independence of Ireland as
a sovereign state....
Our vision foresees the unity of the people of this island. East
with west, north with south, urban with rural, Catholic with
Protestant and dissenter. Our vision is for the redistribution of
wealth, for the well-being of the aged, for the advancement of youth,
for the liberation of women and for the protection of our
children. Our vision rejects forced emigration and unemployment, the
destruction of the environment, cultural oppression, sexism and
inequality.... Our vision embraces education. It embraces
democracy. It is economic, as well as political. Our vision is for a
free Ireland and for a free people. It is for an end to war.