BRUSSELS—Three of Belgium's biggest trade unions on Tuesday pledged to tackle the continuing problem of sex discrimination in many of the country's companies.
The three Unions—the Centrale des Syndicats Chrétiens (CSC), Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB) and Centrale Généraledes Syndicats Libres de Belgique (CGSLB)—drew up a charter in which they pledged to do all they could to ensure male and female employees were treated equally in Belgium.
According to a recent study by Belgium's Interuniversity institute for Work Studies, many inequalities still exist between men and women in Belgian workplaces.
In particular, the study found women are statistically less likely to be awarded bonuses at work and they are also less likely to be promoted than male colleagues.
The study also said much of Belgium's labour legislation was based on outdated views of a woman's role in society.