The history of Europe from 1945 to 1990
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- May Day 1945
- The Militant, 28 April 1945. May Day in
Europe this year, unlike previous May Days during the
present war, has approached to the accompaniment of growing
mass rebellion of the war-tortured peoples.
- Hail the Reds
- By Stephen Gowans, What's Left, 19
October 2004. An assessment of the U.S.S.R. over the seven
decades of its existence. By the end of the '80s,
counterrevolution was sweeping Eastern Europe and Mikhail
Gorbachev was dismantling the pillars of Soviet
- Marshall Plan Was About Domination, Not World
- The Militant, 23 June 1997. Excerpts from an
article that appeared in the July-August 1947 issue of Fourth
International in which the editors explain the real aims of
the recently announced Marshall Plan.