SEOUL—Hired when convenient and then demoted or thrown out of work in hard times, South Korea’s women workers have had enough of being shoved aside in this newly industrialized economy.
To give female laborers more leverage, a group of women formed the
country’s first women’s union in August—and have had
their hands full, since female employees are among the hardest hit by
South Korea’s economic woes. Although Korean economic growth
has increased during the past decade, the working conditions for women
have been bad. It is now getting worse as the country is facing
financial crisis,
said Choi Sang-rim, president of the
newly-founded Korean Women Trade Union (WTU).
Women workers, who make up 40 percent of the overall Korean
laborers, need to have a union of their own so that they can have a
say in society,
she explained, saying the problems women workers
face must be among the priorities of the labor movement.
Women workers, the first to be laid off when the Asian crisis struck in late 1997, find they are still lagging behind despite signs of recovery in South Korea, whose GDP growth is expected to reach 8 percent in 1999 from last year’s 5.8 percent contraction.
Now that the worst of the crisis has passed, the majority of women workers are paid only about 57 percent of men’s salary, Choi explains. Many women employees have lost their permanent jobs. One study shows that 70 percent of the overall women workers in South Korea hold temporary jobs in small work places with less five employees.
But while the number of temporary workers has rapidly increased, there
is no mechanism to voice women employees’ demands or push their
interests. Choi says the WTU will service these needs. A
women’s trade union is needed to pull together women workers
from different working conditions and identify their problems to the
She says the Women’s Trade Union aims to be a forum for all women workers, including who have lost their jobs and with that, their involvement in union activities. This is significant since Korean law bars the unemployed from joining a union.
The WTU also groups not just full-time workers, but temporary ones as
well. As Korean labor unions are mostly company-based, when women
lose their jobs or work in a temporary job it means they have to leave
their union activities. This has weakened women workers’
movement for years,
Choi pointed out. Our trade union will help
fill this gap because any female workers can join.
Choi says that research and public hearings involving unorganized
women prior to the union’s establishment helped us to have a
clear picture of what we want to do
Research helped bring out concerns by women workers that companies and
employers should look into issues like child care to improve security
and productivity. While an issue like child care centers, which
should be an issue for both women and men workers, is always left
behind in labor negotiations, this research shows that there is a
strong demand for it. Otherwise workers cannot make a living
she added.
The Asian crisis is only the latest in changing labor trends—not all encouraging—that have affected South Korean women workers in recent decades. The shift of industries in South Korea from unskilled ones such as textile or shoe industries in the sixties and seventies, to heavy industries such as car manufacturing in the eighties and nineties, has driven thousands of unskilled women workers out of their jobs.
In the early stage of Korea’s industrialization, which
started with low-skilled industries, thousands of unskilled young and
single women workers were pulled out from countryside to work in
said Rhie Chol-soon, chairperson of Korean Women Workers
Association United, a Seoul-based NGO. But after two decades of
hard work, a huge number of female workers lost their jobs because
industries changed and many foreign and Korean investors moved their
base to other cheaper labor countries in Southeast Asia.
The evidence of this change is clear in Pusan, Korean’s biggest port city in the south. A huge condominium site located along the highway was once a foreign-invested shoe factory with more than 20,000 workers, mostly women. The factory has since moved to Indonesia, where cheaper labor can be found.
About 80 percent of workers in nearly 1,000 shoe factories in Pusan
are women,
said Som Jung-eem, vice president of the Pusan women
worker training center. In the mid-1990s, many of them lost their
jobs because of factory moves. The crisis has made it even worse
because more were dismissed.
Women working in other industries also bore the brunt of these market-driven changes. According to the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, one of two largest unions in South Korea, women are the first group of workers laid off after any crisis.
But the effects of the 1997 slowdown were made more painful by the parliament’s passage of the so-called Dispatch Law, which allowed firms to get rid of workers legally after the crisis. Again, women’s jobs were the first to be shed using the law, whose passage the government said would make South Korea more competitive and would remove a long-time complaint of foreign investors who said job security laws went against efficiency.
While several small-sized companies went bankrupt, the medium-sized
companies with no unions just dismissed workers—and the first
group to be dismissed is always women,
said Lee Hye-soon, deputy
director of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions’s women
workers’ unit. Even in big companies that have unions, women
are always suggested to take voluntary retirement as a part of
companies’ financial restructuring after the crisis.
She says the most vulnerable women workers are those who have been
working for several years and have higher salaries than the
others. Then companies will hire younger and cheaper workers,
Lee added.
South Korea’s labor movement is often perceived as strong, a view encouraged by images of organized and militant laborers marching and protesting in unison. But though very powerful in the past, the movement has actually been weakening during the past decade. In 1987, total membership in South Korean trade unions was 1.93 million. It fell to 1.61 million in 1995 and 1.59 million in late 1996.
Women’s role has also declined in the union movement from the
1960s and 1970s. Choi Sang-rim estimates that women’s
participation in trade unions is only at 20 percent. She says WTU will
take up the banner for women in part-time or temporary work, or those
without jobs. Said Choi: This group of workers is the biggest group
of women workers and they are in the worst situation.
(Inter Press Service)