The history of migratory labor in China

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450 million surplus workers in China by 2010
From Gerard Greenfield, 3 December 1997. By 2000 the government expects 370 million rural labor surplus. While the report raises concern over mass rural-urban migration, where workers will become migrant workers without job or social protection, the Government in fact supports the World Bank's labour mobility policy as a solution to rural poverty.
Chinese on strike here face jail at home
By Ruth Sinai, Ha'aretz, 18 April 2001. Chinese workers in Israel threatened with up to seven years' imprisonment for walking out on their employer, unless they name names about strikers or express remorse for their actions. Chinese laborers initiated a strike action, claiming that their employer has not paid them for the last year.
China to Adjust Immigration Policy to Attract Overseas Skills
Xinhua, 12 June 2002. The Chinese government will draft new immigration rules in an effort to create more favorable conditions for skilled foreigners to live and work in China. Desired is expertise in information technology, bio-technology, new materials and manufacturing technology, as well as aviation and space technology.
Guangdong Migrant Workers Spend 3.5 Billion RMB Per Year on Papers
China Labor Watch, 21 June 2002. In the past, a migrant worker from another province needed only a reference letter from his residential unit or an ID card. But as more migrant workers came to Shenzhen, local authorities introduced various permit papers, and permit fees have become a stable source of extra government income.