The pentration of foreign capital into the People's Republic of China

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U.S. transnationals eyeing China
By Victor Perlo, People's Weekly World, 30 November 1996. TNCs take advantage of the contradictions in China's economy to try to move the government further away from socialism.
Enough Nike PR. Let's see what is really going on
3 October 1997. Asia Monitor Resource Center Ltd. and the Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee feel compelled to respond to Nike's erroneous and misleading press release rebutting our findings regarding shoe factory conditions in five shoe factories in Southern China. Ongoing labour and health and safety problems at several factories that are contracted by Nike and other shoe companies to produce their shoes.
Hong Kong Groups Respond to Nike
Campaign for Labor Rights, Labor Alerts/Labor News, 16 October 1997. Two Hong Kong NGOs discuss the bad working conditions at Nike's South China shoe production plants.
US Companies Profit From Chinese Sweatshops
By Jim Lobe, IPS, 19 March 1998. U.S. clothing and footware companies, which import more than 15 billion dollars a year in Chinese-made goods, are profiting from sub-contractors whose mainly young, female workers toil in sweatshop conditions. The foreign-financed boom in southern China is being fuelled by poorly-educated women from rural areas, who are unaware of their legal rights. Working conditions in China violate China's own labour law and internationally recognised worker rights, as well as U.S. coprorate codes of conduct.
An open statement from Chan Kai Wai, Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee
10 February 1999. A field study of Disney's suppliers in South China shows that Disney's code of conduct is just a piece of paper. The code is not seriously respected in many factories which produce Disney's products. Most of Disney's suppliers that were covered in the study are brutally violating workers' basic rights and the Chinese Labor Law.
Old and new battle for changing Chinese tastes
By Pushpa Adhikari, Asia Times, 24 April 1999. Fast food centers in every corner of Beijing undercutt small businesses. In many a corner of Beijing today there stands either a McDonald's or a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet, while small restaurants which serve traditional Chinese food wait for customers to come.
Made in China. The role of U.S. companies in denying human and worker rights
NLC, 25 May 2000. For years, and now again with renewed vigor, U.S. companies have claimed that their mere presence in China would help open that society to American values. Recent in-depth investigations of 16 factories in China producing goods for some of the largest U.S. companies clearly demonstrate that Wal-Mart, Nike, Huffy and others and their contractors in China continue to systematically violate the most fundamental human and worker rights, while paying below subsistence wages.
Factory Closings in China Arouse Workers' Fury
By Elisabeth Rosenthal, The New York Times, 31 August 2000. Desperate workers expecting layoffs seized foreign managers from Meite's American parent company and held them hostage. In the space of a decade, the Meite plant was transformed from a state-owned company making pipes to a factory wholly owned by the foreign partner, the Ball Corporation. Middle-aged workers who expected cradle-to-grave security by the state factory found their livelihoods suddenly threatened by a capitalist corporate restructuring.
KFC Chain Stores Grow to 500 in China
Xinhua, 13 October 2001. Tricon Global Restaurants Inc., a U.S.-based fast food giant, said it has opened more than five hundred KFC chain stores in China. Tricon Global Restaurants Inc., the parent company of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell owns over 30,000 fast food stores globally.