The economic policy of the People's Republic of China
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- Congress reveals China's economic
- By Eva Cheng, Green Left Weekly, 19 April
1995. The move to
market socialism
in 1978, as a way
to recover from the Cultural Revolution, has left the
economy in shambles.
- Mounting unemployment as China
- By Eva Cheng, Green Left Weekly, 6 October
1995. Impact of structural
in the state
sector, including greater reliance on market forces, upon
labor, since 1978.
- Privatisation push at Chinese CP
- By Eva Cheng, Green Left Weekly, 24 September
1997. At the Communist Party's 15th congress, Beijing
September 12–19, President Jiang Zemin reasserts his
aim at what in fact is a capitalist restoration. State
ownership and democracy link.
- Macroeconomic policies to the rescue
- Asia Times, 15 January 1999. China will
actively adopt macroeconomic control policies this year to
promote economic growth and overcome the negative impact of
the worsening foreign trade situation and sluggish consumer
demand. Pro-active financial policies which China adopted in
1998, including the 100 billion yuan in special bonds issued
to commercial banks to improve infrastructure construction,
are yielding positive results.
- Jiang Zemin Urges Party to Infiltrate
China's Private Economy
- AFP, 16 May 2000. President Jiang Zemin has called on the
Communist Party to establish a presence in the private
sector and to exert its influence on the fastest growing
sector of China's economy. Setting up and solidifying
economic order and leading the healthy development of the
non-state economy is a party imperative in the initial
stages of socialism.
- China to Encourage Private Takeover of State
- By Sun Xiaoan and Wu Yiyi, China News Digest,
6 February 2001. China, after establishing initial policies
in regulating privatization of state-run firms last year is
formulating additional rules to encourage private companies
to take over state-run enterprises that are in
trouble. Currently, over 60 percent of China's annual
gross domestic product (GDP) is from private companies and
about 80 percent of the annual GDP is from those in the
industrialized areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and
Guangdong provinces.
- Central Economic Working Conference
- Xinhua, 29 November 2001. Chinese leaders have just
concluded a meeting to review the work in 2001 and formulate
a guideline for economic development in 2002. In 2001, a
sustained, rapid and healthy development, greater efforts to
restructure the economy, faster capital investment, steady
increase in consumer demand, continued growth in foreign
trade and overseas investment, major steps to develop the
backward west, an increase in revenue, the smooth operation
of the financial sector.
- Unequal Shares: How Tianmen protests led to
the new market economy
- By Wang Hui, Le Monde diplomatique, April
2002. The 1989 social movement in Tiananmen Square was far
bigger than the liberal, student protest; it extended right
across the people. The destruction of the movement unblocked
China's transition to the market economy, but the state
system remained fundamentally authoritarian and inequalities
have grown.
- Further Tax Cut Offered to Companies Joining
West Region Development
- China News Digest, 26 May 2002. The Chinese
government was using new tax incentives to attract more
companies to join the west region development. The new
incentives will exempt both domestic and foreign firms from
the central government's corporate tax in the first two
years. The new tax policy covers investments half of
Chongqing city, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Qinghai, Shaanxi,
Gansu, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Guangxi and Inner Mongolia,
and several minority autonomous prefectures in the provinces
of Hunan, Hubei and Jilin.