The history of Ancient China to the 7th century

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Sanxingdui civilization is probably a mixed civilization
Guangming Daily, 1 December 2000. Sanxingdui has been confirmed as the site of the center of the ancient Shu Kingdom. Based on relics it seems the Sanxingdui were probably not Asians. The ancient Shu Kingdom's history dates back 5,000 years [brief].
China's civilisation is now older—by 1,200 years
The Straits Times, 11 November 2000. Doubts persist over the credibility of the government-backed project, which proclaims the emergence of the half-documented Zhou, the shadowy Shang and the myth-shrouded Xia kingdoms 4,000 years ago as verifiable history. This is the fruit of the biggest research project that China has conducted into its early civilisation.
China Unearthed Shang Oracle Bones Again, 104 Years After the First Discovery
By Li Heng, People's Daily, Thursday 10 April 2003. China recently unearthed oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th–11th century B.C.) in Daxinzhuang Shang ruins. The Daxinzhuang bones should be no later than the third-stage of Shang ruins culture, about 3200 years ago.
Geography and Qin History
A dialog on H-Asia list, April 1999. How important was the role of the forces of circumstance (e.g. geography) play in the formation and accomplishments of Qin society?
Ancient China's Toilets Built Separately for Men, Women
Xinhua, 17 August 2001. Chinese women and men have used separate toilets for at least 1,800 years. The pair of ceramic toilets were discovered in 1,800-year-old tombs of the Han Dynasty in Henan province, buried with the dead.
Tomb could reveal secrets of Han dynasty
By Koh Chern Phing, The Straits Times, 1 September 2000. Archaeological work on the 2,000-year-old tomb, including the discovery of what may be a prince's skeleton, is captivating millions. A skeleton found could belong either to a Chinese prince or a petty grave robber.
Third and sixth century crises east and west
By Daniel A. Foss, 21 October 1996. I believe that China built up a substantial technical and commercial lead over Europe as a result, in large part, of having been spared by the first Bubonic Plague pandemic, that of the sixth century et seq. I also believe that this lead was lost after the second Bubonic Plague pandemic, in the fourteenth century, precipitated a Luddite-anticommercial social revolution whose rank-and-file soldiers were inspired by the White Lotus religion.