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The presidency of Fidel Ramos (June 1992–June 1998)
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Rebolusyonaryong Alyansang Makabansa
(RAM) (markup upon request)
The presidential election of
1998 (markup upon request)
- Philippines left in new upsurge
- By Pip Hinman and Peter Boyle, Green Left
Weekly, [December] 1994. Arrests and murders of
Philippines leftists have increased in recent weeks in
response to the Ramos government and armed forces
realizing that the left has been revitalised by a split in
the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), which was a
rejection of the old Stalinism.
- Philippino opposition to GATT
- By William Pomeroy, People's Weekly
World, 7 January 1995.
- Towards Martial Law Again?
- By John Queripel, Green Left Weekly, 6
February 1995. Since coming to power in 1992, General
Fidel Ramos has gradually extended his power base.
- Philippines in grip of APEC fever
- By Peter Limqueco, Asia Times News, 15
November 1996. The extraordinary measures taken by the
government and the business sector to ensure the success
of the November 25 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
summit in Manila and Subic Bay.
- Arrests continue in Manila as anti-APEC
protests build up
- Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) (Solidarity of
Filipino Workers) ALERT, 22 November 1996.
- Activists report on Filipino
- By Forrest Schmidt, Workers World, 26
December 1996. Speakers at public meeting in San
Francisco provide overview of political situation:
Assessment of Cory Aquino and Ramos. APEC's aim to
open up the whole Cordillera to foreign ownership. The
NPA wing of the CPP refuses to abandon armed
- The Ramos presidency and human
- A Report on the Human Rights Record of the Ramos
Administration from July 1992 to June 1997. Economic and
political performance so far and liklihood for success in
the future.
- News On The September 21st Rally
- National Democratic Front of the Philippines, July
1997. Marking the 25th anniversary of martial law,
September 21, a multitude of Filipinos trooped to the
streets—in protest over Ramos' proposed charter
change (dubbed as
) and outraged by the
grave exploitation and oppression under the ruling
- Generalissimo Ramos Is Setting The Stage
For Martial Rule
- Joint Press Statement, 15 September 1997. Banyan and
other organizations accuse Fidel Ramos of using Red Scare
tactics to justify authoritarian government.
- KMU brands economic summit a farce
- Kilusang Mayo Uno, News Release, 11 February 1998. The
militant Kilusang Mayo Uno has called today's Economic
Summit a farcical gathering of so-called representatives
of Philippine society, organized so that Pres. Fidel Ramos
can regale the Filipino people with glowing statistics and
facts conjured by his cabinet of economic charlatans.