History of Kawthoolei (The Karen State)
The social and cultural history of the Karen
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The history of Kawthoolei (Karen State)
in general
- God's Army
- From Charles Wallace, 1 may 2000. Brief summary of a cited
work on how Christianity started among the Karen, the majority
of whom are Buddhist.
- For Karen Refugees, Life is Permanent Limbo
- By Prangtip Daorueng, 13 September 1998. The difficult life of
Karen refugees from Burma living in northern Thailand.
- Is this a tourist attraction or a violation of
human rights?
- Straits Times, 18 November 1997. The parading of
long-neck Karens for the benefit of tourists in Thailand.
The Karens inhabit a "human zoo" and their rights have
been abused by opportunists who use the tribal villagers to
cash in on tourism. The long necks are the result of brass
neck rings placed on young girls.