The social history of the Kyrgyz Republic

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Citizenship in Kyrgyzstan
A dialog on CenAsia list, March 1996. Since ethnic identity will no longer be required on passports, it will affect the figures for proportion of ethnic groups.
Kygyzstan minorities
By Resul Yalcin, on CenAsia list, 28 October 1997. In Kyrgyzstan, minority issues involve the Russian and German minorities in the north and the Uzbek, Tajik and Uighur minorities in the south. In general relations between different ethnic groups are now harmonious.
Kyrgyzstan Census
By Nick Megoran, CenAsia list, 30 March 1999. The census in Kyrgystan is heavily promoted on the television. It is printed in both Kyrgyz and Russian, and contains a range of questions related to work, education, etc.