Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 19:18:20 -0500
Sender: Former Soviet Republic—Central Asia Political Discussion List
From: Arthur Martirosyan <martiros@LAW.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: Toxic waste threatens health of people in Bishkek
To: Multiple recipients of list CENASIA <CENASIA@VM1.MCGILL.CA>
Toxic waste products accumulated over decades at industrial plants in
the capital, Bishkek, pose a real threat
to people's
health, Kyrgyz radio reported on 22nd February.
The report said that nearly 260 tonnes of solid compounds, more than
596,000 kg of liquid compounds and 1,300 kg of gaseous cyanogen and
zinc compounds—dangerous for all living things
in storage on the sites of plants and factories within the precincts
of the city.
Ecologists propose to build a testing ground for industrial toxic waste products in an effort to alleviate the situation, it added.