Hartford Web Publishing (Haines Brown) is not the author of the documents in World History Archives and does not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity.
South Asia in general
Documents for Tamil history and the civil war
General and political history
- Building a Left Wing in Sri Lanka
- Green Left Weekly interviews Dr. Vickramabahu Karunaratne, general secretary of the NSSP. 27 February, 1995.
- U.S. Quietly Expands its Role in Sri Lanka. Green Berets help train soldiers, open paths for military presence
- By Mark Kaufman (Philadelphia Inquirer), in The Dallas Morning News, 30 June, 1996.
- Reuters and Reality
- By Nanda K. Ganesan. 19 July, 1996. Reporters working for the international news agencies are Sinhalese and give a rosy and distorted picture of events, quite in contrast with reports in local papers in Colombo.
- United States Policy in Sri Lanka
- 17 August, 1996. Suggests an analogy with US Vietnam involvment.
Economy and environment
- Oil installation fires at Colombo, Sri Lanka
- From Institute for Tropical Environmental Studies News, 1 November, 1995. Focus on the ennvironmental impact of the fires caused by terrorists.
- From Rags to the Rag Trade
- By Ramani Jayasundere, for the Women's Feature Service. 30 November, 1995. Booming small-scale garment industry; its effect on workers, especially women.
- Power unions stop privatization
- From Workers World, 13 April, 1995. Brief news report on labor's opposition to privatization.
- Introduction to Nirmanee
- A Sri Lanka newspaper from women. 15 February, 1995.
- Sex Tourists Prey On Sri Lankan Children
- By Sue Lloyd-Roberts. 12 January, 1997. Re European pedophiles.
- Sri Lanka village takes on Voice of America
- By Kathryn Hamilton, in Green Left Weekly, 8 May, 1996. Villagers object to facility for the US propaganda agency, and concerns for cultural imperialism.